The City of
  City Council
  8:30 AM August 27, 2024
  David Holt, Mayor
  Council Members:
  Bradley Carter....................Ward 1
  James Cooper.....................Ward 2
  Barbara Peck......................Ward 3
  Todd Stone..........................Ward 4
  Matt Hinkle........................Ward 5
  JoBeth Hamon....................Ward 6
  Nikki Nice...........................Ward 7
  Mark K. Stonecipher..........Ward 8
  Craig Freeman, City Manager
  Amy K. Simpson, City Clerk
  Kenneth Jordan, Municipal Counselor
200 N. Walker • 3rd Floor • Council Chamber
The City Council meets every other Tuesday at 8:30 a.m. in City Hall unless prior notice of a change is posted. Free parking is available at the Sheridan­-Walker Parking Garage (501 West Sheridan). Parking tickets must be validated in the Mayor's/City Manager's reception area.
It is the policy of the City to ensure that communications with participants and members of the public with disabilities are as effective as communications with others. Anyone with a disability who requires an accommodation, a modification of policies or procedures, or an auxiliary aid or service in order to participate in this meeting should contact the ADA department coordinator at 297-­2396 as soon as possible but not later than 48 hours (not including weekends or holidays) before the scheduled meeting. The department will give primary consideration to the choice of auxiliary aid or service requested by the individual with disability. If you need an alternate format of the agenda or any information provided at said meeting, please contact the ADA department coordinator listed above 48 hours prior to the scheduled meeting.
Addressing the Council
Citizens may address the Council on certain items by signing up to speak and providing the agenda item number, their reason for appearing and their address, but all comments must be relevant to the item. The Mayor or presiding officer may in his or her discretion prohibit a person from addressing the Council, or have any person removed from the Council Chamber, if that person commits any disorderly or disruptive behavior.  Disorderly conduct includes, but is not limited to, any of the following: speaking without being recognized by the Mayor or presiding officer; continuing to speak after notice that the speaker’s allotted time has expired; presenting comments or material not relevant to the item under discussion; failing to comply with the lawful instructions of the Mayor or presiding officer; engaging in other conduct, activity or speech that delays, pursuant to 21 O.S. §280, disruptive conduct includes any conduct that is “violent, threatening, abusive, obscene, or that jeopardizes the safety of self or others”. A person may also be subject to arrest and removal from the Municipal Building for violation of Oklahoma City Municipal Code 2020, § 30-­81 – Disorderly conduct and/or violation of Okla. Stat. tit. 21, §280- Willfully Disturbing, Interfering With or Disrupting State Business, Agency Operations or Employees.

Citizens may not address the Council regarding items from “Office of the Mayor,” “Items from Council” (except for items listed for a vote or if asked for comments by a Councilmember), or items under “City Manager Reports.” Citizens may also address the Council on individual concerns, including on the listed exceptions, at the end of the agenda under “Citizens to be Heard.” Citizens to be Heard is not provided as a forum for publicly announced or declared candidates for City public office, and they will not be allowed to speak as Citizens to be Heard. Citizens will not be allowed to campaign on any political issue during the Council meeting. Comments must concern City services or policies. Please fill out a "Request to be Heard" form located outside the Chambers. Please return this form to the Council Office at the north end of the hall. PLEASE LIMIT YOUR COMMENTS TO 3 MINUTES. Continuing to speak beyond the time allowed by the Mayor or presiding officer shall constitute grounds for removal from the Council Chamber.
Citizens who wish to be listed on the agenda for comments to Council may call the City Clerk's Office at 297­-2397 before 4 p.m. on the Tuesday prior to the next Council meeting. Persons so listed on the agenda for comments to Council are subject to the same restrictions listed above. Persons may use City computer to make presentations to Council only if requested to do so by the Mayor, a Councilmember, or the City Manager and the device containing the presentation is provided to the City Clerk three business days in advance.
Council Actions
Official action can be taken only on items which appear on the agenda. The Council may adopt, approve, ratify, deny, defer, recommend, amend, strike, or continue any agenda item. When more information is needed to act on an item, the Council may refer the matter to the City Manager or the Municipal Counselor. The Council may also refer items to standing committees of the Council or to a board or commission for additional study.  Under certain circumstances, items are deferred to a specific later date or stricken from the agenda entirely.
Consent Docket
Items listed under "Consent Docket" are usually approved as a group with the proper motion from a member of Council. Members of Council may request discussion or separate action on any item on the Consent Docket.
Television and YouTube Coverage
Residents can watch the City Council meeting live by going to City Council meetings can also be watched live on Cox Cable Channel 20. Meetings are replayed on Cox Cable Channel 20 Tuesday evening starting at 6:30 p.m. and 12:30 p.m. Sunday following the meeting. If there are technical difficulties with either live stream during the meeting, a video will be posted as soon as possible after the meeting. 
August 27, 2024

Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance


Call to Order


From the Office of the Mayor


Resolution of Commendation recognizing Aaron Sears on his selection as The City of Oklahoma City Safety Star of the Quarter.


Resolution of Commendation for Jill Walsh on her selection as the August 2024 South Oklahoma City Kiwanis Club Employee of the Month.


Resolution recognizing and commending Jennifer Reyes-Garcia on her selection as the August 2024 Teacher of the Month by The Oklahoma City Public Schools Foundation and Rotary Club of Oklahoma City.


Resolution approving travel expenses for the Mayor to attend the National League of Cities City Summit in Tampa Bay, Florida, November 13-16, 2024.
(Six affirmative votes required for approval.)


Items from Council


City Manager Reports


July 2024 Sales and Use Tax Collections


August 2024 Sales and Use Tax Collections


Hotel Tax Collections through June 30, 2024


July 2023 - June 2024 Revenue Enforcement Program


Journal of Council Proceedings


Receive Journal of Council Proceedings for August 13, 2024.


Approve Journal of Council Proceedings for July 30, 2024.


Request for Uncontested Continuances


Revocable Permits and Events


Revocable Permit with the Asian District Cultural Association for the “Asian Night Market Festival,” October 4-6, 2024, Military Park, 1200 NW 25th Street, revenue of $735. Ward 2.


Joint Revocable Permit with the Oklahoma City Water Utilities Trust and the Comite Guatemalteco Oklahoma, PE-25-0007-HR, to hold the Festival Chapin at the Lake Hefner Reservoir and Reservation, September 15, 2024, revenue of $1,060.


Revocable Right-of-Way Use Permit with American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, to hold the “Out of the Darkness Suicide Prevention Walk,” September 7, 2024, Mickey Mantle Drive between East Sheridan Avenue and East Reno Avenue, revenue of $100. Ward 7.


Revocable Right-of-Way Use Permit with the Down Syndrome Association of Central Oklahoma to hold the “Down Syndrome Festival and 5K,” September 28, 2024, West Sheridan Avenue between North Hudson Avenue and Ron Norick Boulevard, revenue of $250. Ward 6.


Revocable Right-of-Way Use Permit with the Plaza District Association to hold the “Plaza District Festival,” September 28, 2024, NW 16th Street between North Indiana Avenue and North Blackwelder Avenue, revenue of $350. Ward 6.


Revocable Right-of-Way Use Permit with Uptown 23rd District to hold “Uptown Outside,” September 14, 2024, NW 23rd Street between North Shartel Avenue and North Walker Avenue, revenue of $300. Wards 2 and 6.




Joint Resolution with The City of Oklahoma City approving use of $83,807 from Oklahoma City Municipal Facilities Authority revolving funds to purchase easement in Oklahoma City’s name for this General Obligation Bond Project; and upon the sale of all bonds designated for this listed project to authorize the expenditure of such 2017 General Obligation Streets Proposition Bond Funds by administrative transfer to the Oklahoma City Municipal Facilities Authority in the amount of $83,807 for the purchase of said easement as necessary for the design, construction and completion, Project PC-0707, Roadway Widening and Improvements, SW 149th Street from South Pennsylvania Avenue to South Western Avenue, within the arbitrage rule timelines; and authorizing the Oklahoma City Municipal Facilities Authority to administratively accept and deposit said bond funds into the Oklahoma City Municipal Facilities Authority revolving fund for future use on General Obligation Bond Projects as needed. Ward 5.


Joint Resolution with The City of Oklahoma City directing the Director of Risk Management and the Trust’s legal counsel not to appeal the Order of the Workers' Compensation Commission Claim No. CM3-2023-02696K, styled: Richard Reber, Claimant vs. The City of Oklahoma City, Respondent, an Own Risk Carrier, and authorizing payment to the Claimant of permanent partial disability benefits, attorney fees, less an assessment for the Multiple Injury Trust Fund: authorizing payment of costs and fees for the Respondent.


Joint Resolution with The City of Oklahoma City authorizing the firm Collins, Zorn, & Wagner, P.C. to represent City employees Kimberly Vance and Mark Fields in the case of Deonte Martize McKaufman v. Kimberly Vance, et al., Oklahoma County District Court Case No. CJ-2024-3278;


Enter into executive session on advice of the Municipal Counselor to receive confidential communications from its attorney concerning the above pending litigation, as authorized by 25 O.S. (2023 Supp.) §307(B)(4), because disclosure would seriously impair the ability of the public body to process the claim or conduct a pending investigation, litigation or proceeding in the public interest.




Amendment No. 3 to Sublease Agreement with The City of Oklahoma City and Oklahoma State Fair, Inc., to provide management services of property commonly known as the Fairgrounds, bounded generally between West Reno Avenue, NW 10th Street, North May Avenue and I-44. Ward 6.


Resolution approving the adoption of a Bereavement Leave Policy for Oklahoma City Public Property Authority Golf System Employees, retroactive to July 1, 2024.




Consent Docket


Amendment No. 1 to Lease Purchase Agreement, CL Boyd Co., Inc. (R24-C228028), lease and maintenance of four John Deere, 672G AWD motor graders, estimated cost $87,194.88, retroactive to July 1, 2024 through February 28, 2025.


Amendment No. 2 to Master Service Agreement with AccuSource, Inc. (R24-C203000), to provide background verification/investigation services for the Human Resources Department and Fire Department, estimated cost $7,500, extending the term through October 31, 2024.


1. Renewal No. 1 of pricing agreement, DH Pace Door Services, A Division of DH Pace Company, Inc. (C245008), Fire Department overhead doors and four-fold doors, parts, and services, estimated cost $250,000, September 12, 2024 through September 11, 2025; and
2. Resolution authorizing the open market purchase of related items and services not available on a pricing agreement (OM24-C245009), estimated cost $25,000, September 12, 2024 through September 11, 2025.


Renewal No. 2 of pricing agreements, H-I-S Paint Manufacturing Company, LLC (R24-C236022) and The Sherwin Williams Company (R24-C236034), paint supplies and accessories, estimated cost $90,000, August 30, 2024 through August 29, 2025.


Resolution waiving formal competitive bidding and authorizing the open market purchase of various training services and accommodations (COKC00392), estimated cost $900,000, retroactive to July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025.


Resolution authorizing the purchase of trailers from State Contract (COKC00720), estimated cost $300,000, retroactive to August 17, 2024 through August 16, 2025.


Resolution authorizing a change in the cost estimate for the purchase of vehicle maintenance and repair from State Contract (S24-SW278767), estimated cost increase of $200,000 to a total of $350,000, for the period ending November 6, 2024.


Resolution authorizing the purchase of self-contained breathing apparatus and breathing air systems with related equipment through a cooperative agreement with Sourcewell (COKC00708), estimated cost $5,000,000, August 27, 2024 through August 26, 2025.


Request for Proposals to be advertised for Helicopter Broker Service (RFP25402).


Ordinance to be introduced and set for final hearing September 24, 2024 (PC-10942) rezoning 11310 North Council Road from PUD-1286 Planned Unit Development District to R-2 Medium-Low Density Residential District. Ward 1.


Ordinance to be introduced and set for final hearing September 24, 2024 (PUD-2006) rezoning 8901 South Anderson Road from AA Agricultural and AE-2 Airport Environs Zone Two Overlay Districts to PUD-2006 Planned Unit Development and AE-2 Airport Environs Zone Two Overlay Districts. Ward 4.


Ordinance to be introduced and set for final hearing September 24, 2024 (PUD-2014) rezoning 2140 South County Line Road from PUD-1757 Planned Unit Development and PUD-1840 Planned Unit Development Districts to PUD-2014 Planned Unit Development District. Ward 3.


Ordinance to be introduced and set for final hearing September 24, 2024 (SPUD-1633) rezoning 100 NW 22nd Street from HP Historic Preservation and UC Urban Conservation Overlay Districts to SPUD-1633 Simplified Planned Unit Development and UC Urban Conservation Overlay Districts. Ward 6.


Ordinance to be introduced and set for final hearing September 24, 2024 (SPUD-1646) rezoning 400 SE 27th Street from R-2 Medium-Low Density Residential and MH Manufactured Home Overlay Districts to SPUD-1646 Simplified Planned Unit Development District. Ward 4.


Ordinance to be introduced and set for final hearing September 24, 2024 (SPUD-1647) rezoning 3800 SW 27th Place from R-1 Single-Family Residential, I-2 Moderate Industrial and AE-2 Airport Environs Zone Two Overlay Districts to SPUD-1647 Simplified Planned Unit Development and AE-2 Airport Environs Zone Two Overlay Districts. Ward 3.


Ordinance to be introduced and set for final hearing September 24, 2024 (SPUD-1654) rezoning 7000 South Cimarron Road from AA Agricultural District to SPUD-1654 Simplified Planned Unit Development District. Ward 3.


Ordinance to be introduced and set for final hearing September 24, 2024 (SPUD-1655) rezoning 2820 North Robinson Avenue from R-4 General Residential, HL Historic Landmark and UC Urban Conservation Overlay Districts to SPUD-1655 Simplified Planned Unit Development, HL Historic Landmark and UC Urban Conservation Overlay Districts. Ward 2.


Ordinance to be introduced and set for final hearing September 24, 2024 (SPUD-1656) rezoning 9841 SW 44th Street from R-1 Single-Family Residential District to SPUD-1656 Simplified Planned Unit Development District. Ward 3.


1. Ordinance to be introduced and set for final hearing October 8, 2024 (CE-1124) closing a portion of the east-west right-of-way of NW 4th Street, a portion of the north-south right-of-way of North Harvey Avenue, and a portion of the east-west alley in Block 47 of the Oklahoma City Original Addition Supplemental Plat. Ward 6.
2. Resolution establishing a date for enactment of said Ordinance and determining those entitled to notice.


1. Ordinance to be introduced and set for final hearing October 8, 2024 (CE-1126) closing a portion of a north-south alley in Block Fifteen (15) of Neas Addition, a portion of the Linwood Boulevard right-of-way, and a portion of the North Klein Avenue right-of-way, generally west of North Western Avenue and north of NW 6th Street. Ward 6.
2. Resolution establishing a date for enactment of said Ordinance and determining those entitled to notice.


1. Resolution accepting the irrevocable letter of credit and dedications contained in the final plat of Manning Estates Section 1, north of SW 119th Street and west of South MacArthur Boulevard. Ward 3.
2. Easements be accepted.


Resolution accepting the irrevocable letters of credit and dedications contained in the final plat of Summit Ridge Villas II, east of Broadway Extension and north of East Hefner Road. Ward 7.


Resolution accepting the dedications contained in the final plat of Ashleaf Farms Section 1, south of SW 119th Street and east of South Council Road. Ward 3.


1. Resolution accepting the subdivision bond and dedications contained in the final plat of Cypress Plains Phase 1, south of NW 164th Street and east of North Council Road. Ward 8.
2. Easement be accepted.


1. Resolution accepting the subdivision bond and dedications contained in the final plat of Harris Creek Section 1, north of NW 150th Street and west of North Sara Road. Ward 1.
2. Easement be accepted.


Public Art Commission Agreement with artist Ebony Iman Dallas, for a site-specific work of art for the MAPS 4 Diversion Hub, 1216 Linwood Boulevard, $20,000. Ward 6.


Public Art Commission Agreement with artist Floyd Strickland, for a site-specific work of art for the MAPS 4 Diversion Hub, 1216 Linwood Boulevard, $20,000. Ward 6.


Public Art Commission Agreement with artist April Wagner, for a site-specific work of art for the MAPS 4 Diversion Hub, 1216 Linwood Boulevard, $75,000. Ward 6.


Acceptance of permanent easement to display public art for the Oklahoma River Greenway Trail Project, east of I-235 and south of I-40. Ward 7.


Home Investment Partnerships Program Loan Agreement in the amount of $660,000, with Hillcrest Green II, LP, an Indiana limited partnership for Hillcrest Green II Multifamily Senior Housing Development, 3317 SW 74th Street; and approving a Promissory Note and Mortgage, Declaration of Affordability Restrictions, Loan Agreement, Subordination Agreement with The Huntington National Bank, and a Subordination and Standstill Agreement with Cedar Rapids Bank and Trust Company. Ward 5.


Resolution waiving professional consultant selection procedures and ratifying approval of a Professional Services Agreement with Johnson and Associates, LLC, and approving Amendment No. 1 for planning and professional services on the Meridian Placemaking Assessment, Meridian Avenue from West Reno Avenue south to I-240, increase of $15,000 for a total not to exceed $65,000. Ward 3.


Resolution receiving an amendment to the Comprehensive Plan, changing the Land Use Typology Area from Rural – Medium Intensity to Urban - Low Intensity base designation on a 35.82-acre parcel located north of SW 149th Street and west of South Pennsylvania Avenue. Ward 5.


Resolution requesting consideration of the Downtown Striping and Lighting Project as a candidate for federal Surface Transportation Block Grant Urbanized Area funds administered by the Association of Central Oklahoma Governments. Wards 6 and 7.


Resolution requesting consideration of the East Reno Avenue Street Enhancement Project as a candidate for federal Surface Transportation Block Grant Urbanized Area funds administered by the Association of Central Oklahoma Governments. Ward 7.


Resolution requesting consideration of the Martin Luther King Avenue Street Enhancement Project as a candidate for federal Surface Transportation Block Grant Urbanized Area funds administered by the Association of Central Oklahoma Governments. Ward 7.


Resolution requesting consideration of the MioVision/Opticon Pilot Project as a candidate for federal Surface Transportation Block Grant Urbanized Area funds administered by the Association of Central Oklahoma Governments. Wards 2 and 6.


Resolution requesting consideration of the NW 10th Street Resurfacing and Bridges Project as a candidate for federal Surface Transportation Block Grant Urbanized Area funds administered by the Association of Central Oklahoma Governments. Wards 3 and 6.


Resolution requesting consideration of the North Portland Avenue Street Enhancement Project as a candidate for federal Surface Transportation Block Grant Urbanized Area funds administered by the Association of Central Oklahoma Governments. Wards 2, 3 and 6.


Resolution requesting consideration of the North Western Avenue Resurfacing and Sidewalk Project as a candidate for federal Surface Transportation Block Grant Urbanized Area funds administered by the Association of Central Oklahoma Governments. Ward 2.


Resolution requesting consideration of the School Zones & Traffic Feedback Signs Project as a candidate for federal Surface Transportation Block Grant Urbanized Area funds administered by the Association of Central Oklahoma Governments. Wards 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8.


Resolution requesting consideration of the South Central Avenue and SW 15th Street Enhancement Project as a candidate for federal Surface Transportation Block Grant Urbanized Area funds administered by the Association of Central Oklahoma Governments. Wards 4, 6 and 7.


Resolution requesting consideration of the West Reno Intelligent Transportation Systems Project as a candidate for federal Surface Transportation Block Grant Urbanized Area funds administered by the Association of Central Oklahoma Governments. Wards 3 and 6.


Resolution requesting consideration of the South Santa Fe Avenue Trail Project as a candidate for federal Transportation Alternatives Program funds administered by the Association of Central Oklahoma Governments. Ward 4.


Resolution requesting consideration of the SW 74th Street Sidewalks, South May to I-35 Project as a candidate for federal Transportation Alternatives Program funds administered by the Association of Central Oklahoma Governments. Wards 4 and 5.


Resolution requesting consideration of the West Wilshire Boulevard Trail Project as a candidate for federal Transportation Alternatives Program funds administered by the Association of Central Oklahoma Governments. Ward 1.


Resolution setting a public hearing September 24, 2024 for public comment regarding the consideration and approval of the assessment roll, Year 2024-2025, for the Stockyards City Business Improvement District, City of Oklahoma City Improvement and Special Services Assessment District No. 13, for properties in and around the intersection of Agnew and Exchange Avenues, an area commonly known as Stockyards City; and providing notice of said public hearing, as provided by law. Ward 6.


Ordinance to be introduced and set for final hearing September 24, 2024, adopting and setting the assessment roll, Year 2024-2025, for the Stockyards City Business Improvement District, City of Oklahoma City Improvement and Special Services Assessment District No. 13; for properties in and around the intersection of Agnew and Exchange Avenues, an area commonly known as Stockyards City; establishing the time and terms of payment of the assessments and other expenses; fixing penalties to be charged for delinquent payment of the assessment; setting forth tracts or parcels of land against which the assessments are being adopted, ratified, and levied; directing the City Clerk to prepare, sign, attest and record with the Office of the County Clerk of Oklahoma County, within sixty (60) days of the publication of this Ordinance, a claim of lien for any unpaid amount due and assessed against a tract or parcel of land; and providing for an effective date as of the date of adoption and passage. Ward 6.


Plans and Specifications to be advertised for bids, Project MB-1649, Driving Facility at the Public Safety Training Facility, 8501 South Midwest Boulevard. Ward 4.


Ratifying and approving Addenda Nos. 1, 2 and 3; adopting resolution extending time to award contract and awarding contract to Wynn Construction Co., Inc., Project MP-0591, Hefner Golf Clubhouse, 4491 South Lake Hefner Drive, $10,393,000; assigning Standard Testing and Engineering Company as the testing laboratory; and approving contract and bonds. Ward 2.


Change Order No. 1 with Wynn Construction Co., Project MP-0494-1M Phase II, Manuel Perez Park Monument Modifications, 21 SE 17th Street, increase of $3,703.69. Wards 4 and 6.


Final Acceptance, Project PC-0824, Arterial Street Resurfacing, West Britton Road from North Western Avenue to I-235; and placing maintenance bond into effect. Ward 2.


Preliminary Engineering Report, Project PC-0917, Off-Road Trail, Eastern Avenue from Grand Trail to SE 59th Street; and authorizing preparation of final plans and specifications. Ward 4.


Amendment No. 1 to Contract for Engineering Services with CEC Corporation, Projects PC-0731, Bike Route, along NW Grand Boulevard and North Independence Avenue to connect to the Bert Cooper Trail; TC-0508, Intersection Improvements at North Independence Avenue and NW Expressway; MS-0096, Sidewalks on North Independence Avenue between NW 47th Street and NW 67th Street; and TC-0545, Intersection Improvements at North Independence Avenue and NW Expressway, fee increase of $42,997. Wards 1 and 2.


Amendment No. 3 to Contract for Engineering Services with CEC Corporation, Project BC-0229, Bridge Rehabilitation, North May Avenue over NW Expressway, fee increase of $155,450. Ward 2.


Project Maintenance, Financing, and Right-of-Way Agreement with Oklahoma Department of Transportation, State Project TAP3-8037(004)AG, State Job No. 38037(04)(05)(06)(07), Project MP-0584, Rail Bridge Conversion to Pedestrian Bridge, Agnew Avenue north to McKinley Avenue, over the abandoned rail bridge to the north side of the Oklahoma River. estimated cost $2,782,730. Ward 6.


Acceptance of permanent easement, Project MP-0584, Rail Bridge Conversion to Pedestrian Bridge, Agnew Avenue north to McKinley Avenue, over the abandoned rail bridge to the north side of the Oklahoma River, and approving payment of claim, $3,500. Ward 6.


Acceptance of permanent easements, Projects PC-0679 and PC-0700, Street Enhancements and Arterial Resurfacing, SW 29th Street from Pennsylvania Avenue to Robinson Avenue, and approving payment of claims, $1,315.61. Wards 4 and 6.


Acceptance of permanent easement, Project PC-0701, Street Enhancements, North Classen Boulevard from West Sheridan Avenue to NW 10th Street; and approving payment of claim, $10,800. Ward 6.


Joint Resolution with the Oklahoma City Municipal Facilities Authority approving use of $83,807 from Oklahoma City Municipal Facilities Authority revolving funds to purchase easement in Oklahoma City’s name for this General Obligation Bond Project; and upon the sale of all bonds designated for this listed project to authorize the expenditure of such 2017 General Obligation Streets Proposition Bond Funds by administrative transfer to the Oklahoma City Municipal Facilities Authority in the amount of $83,807 for the purchase of said easement as necessary for the design, construction and completion, Project PC-0707, Roadway Widening and Improvements, SW 149th Street from South Pennsylvania Avenue to South Western Avenue, within the arbitrage rule timelines; and authorizing the Oklahoma City Municipal Facilities Authority to administratively accept and deposit said bond funds into the Oklahoma City Municipal Facilities Authority revolving fund for future use on General Obligation Bond Projects as needed. Ward 5.


Ordinance to be introduced and set for final hearing on September 10, 2024, amending the no parking anytime restriction on both sides of South Klein Avenue between SW 66th Street and SW 69th Street to a no parking anytime restriction on the east side of South Klein Avenue between SW 66th Street and SW 69th Street. Ward 5.


Grant of permanent easement to the Oklahoma City Water Utilities Trust, Project SC-0915, Lift Station Improvements, south of Lake Hefner from NW Expressway to North Portland Ave; south of Lake Hefner from North Portland Avenue to Lake Hefner Parkway; and East Overholser Drive and NW 23rd Street. Ward 1.


Acceptance of 14 privately constructed water main projects and placing the maintenance bonds into effect as of the final completion dates. Wards 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8.


Acceptance of 15 permanent easements for water and wastewater mains. Wards 1, 2, 3, 4, 7 and 8.


Oklahoma City Airport Trust Supplemental Agreement No. 21 to Lease No. HSTS17-14-L-RELW07 with the United States of America, Department of Homeland Security, Transportation Security Administration, to add two additional one year options, the second option to be a successive automatic renewal, and to amend certain terms and conditions as agreed by the parties, November 1, 2024 through October 31, 2025. Ward 3.


Oklahoma City Airport Trust Lease Agreement with Freymiller Aviation LLC, to lease Hangar 23 with associated apron and aeronautical office space at Wiley Post Airport, September 1, 2024 through August 31, 2044. Ward 1.


Avigation and Hazard Easement be accepted by The City of Oklahoma City and the Oklahoma City Airport Trust from SW 20th Street, LLC., 5000 SW 20th Street. Ward 3.


1. Resolution approving certain new and revised pages in the form of a book entitled Volumes I - IV to the Oklahoma City Municipal Code, 2020, printed and designated as the “2020 – 2023 Cumulative Annual Supplement” and authorizing distribution; and
2. Resolution directing the City Clerk to notify the public of the publication of the 2020 – 2023 Cumulative Annual Supplement to the Oklahoma City Municipal Code, 2020, and further directing the City Clerk to file certified copies of this Resolution and copies of the 2020 – 2023 Cumulative Supplement with designated governmental entities.


Amendment No. 3 to Sublease Agreement with the Oklahoma City Public Property Authority and Oklahoma State Fair, Inc. to provide management services of property commonly known as the Fairgrounds, bounded generally between West Reno Avenue, NW 10th Street, North May Avenue and I-44. Ward 6.


Renewal No. 1 of sole source agreement with Kenneth D. Kearns, CPA, PLLC to provide independent audit management services, estimated cost $35,000, retroactive to July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2025.


Resolution setting a public hearing September 24, 2024 for public comment regarding the consideration and approval of the assessment roll, Year 2024-2025, for the Downtown Business Improvement District, City of Oklahoma City Improvement and Special Services Assessment District No. 6, in the area commonly known as Downtown Oklahoma City, including Automobile Alley, Bricktown, the City Center, Deep Deuce, Midtown, and West Village; and providing notice notice of said public hearing, as provided by law. Wards 6 and 7.


Ordinance to be introduced and set for final hearing September 24, 2024, adopting and setting the assessment roll, Year 2024-2025, for the Downtown Business Improvement District, City of Oklahoma City Improvement and Special Services Assessment District No. 6, in the area known as Downtown Oklahoma City, including Automobile Alley, Bricktown, the City Center, Deep Deuce, Midtown, and West Village; establishing the time and terms of payment of the assessments and other expenses; fixing penalties to be charged for delinquent payments of the assessment or for an installment thereof; setting forth the tracts or parcels of land against which the assessments are being adopted, ratified, and levied; directing the City Clerk to prepare, sign, attest, and record with the County Clerk of Oklahoma County, within 60 days of the publication of this ordinance, a claim of lien for any unpaid amount due and assessed against a tract or parcel of land, and providing for an effective date as of the date of adoption and passage. Wards 6 and 7.


Joint Resolution with the Oklahoma City Municipal Facilities Authority directing the Director of Risk Management and the Trust’s legal counsel not to appeal the Order of the Workers' Compensation Commission Claim No. CM3-2023-02696K, styled: Richard Reber, Claimant vs. The City of Oklahoma City, Respondent, an Own Risk Carrier, and authorizing payment to the Claimant of permanent partial disability benefits, attorney fees, less an assessment for the Multiple Injury Trust Fund: authorizing payment of costs and fees for the Respondent.


Renewal No. 2 of Professional Services Agreement with Regional Economic Advisors for economic outlook and forecasting services, not to exceed $92,500, August 31, 2024 through August 30, 2025.


Final Plans and Specifications to be advertised for bids, Project MB-1654, City Hall Sanitary Sewer and Storm Drain Line Replacement, 200 North Walker Avenue. Ward 6.


Acceptance of permanent easements, Project M4-TTE10, MAPS 4 Bus Stop Improvements, Phase 1 (six locations); and approving payment of claims, $5,785. Wards 2, 6, 7 and 8.


Memorandum of Understanding with the Oklahoma City Police Athletic League for youth sports activities using the Wendel Whisenhunt Sports Complex, 3200 South Independence Avenue, August 27, 2024 through August 26, 2025. Ward 6.


Service Agreement with the Oklahoma State Fair to provide emergency medical services during the annual Oklahoma State Fair, revenue of $70,554, September 12, 2024 through September 22, 2024.


Agreement with the Oklahoma County District Attorney’s Task Force on Child Abuse: CARE Center for Comprehensive Forensic Interviewer Services, $60,000, retroactive to July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025.


Lease Agreement with the Oklahoma County District Attorney’s Task Force on Child Abuse: CARE Center for the Oklahoma City Police Department’s Crimes Against Children Unit, $16,133, retroactive to July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025.


Resolution authorizing the acceptance of a $65,653 grant from the Oklahoma Highway Safety Office, overtime funding and equipment for the Motorcycle Safety Program; ratifying submittal of the internet based application by the Chief of Police and the Police Department Business Manager; authorizing the Mayor to sign any necessary documents; authorizing the Police Business Manager or Management Specialist to submit the internet acceptance, requests for funds, provide reports as required, and to administer the grant; and authorizing the City Treasurer to receive and deposit the funds in the Grants Management Fund.


Resolution authorizing the acceptance of a $340,587.13 grant from the Oklahoma Highway Safety Office, overtime funding for the Impaired Driving, Seat Belt, and Bicycle/Pedestrian Safety Enforcement Programs; ratifying submittal of the internet based application by the Chief of Police and the Police Department Business Manager; authorizing the Mayor to sign any necessary documents; authorizing the Police Business Manager or Management Specialist to submit the internet acceptance, requests for funds, provide reports as required, and to administer the grant; and authorizing the City Treasurer to receive and deposit the funds in the Grants Management Fund.


Resolution authorizing the acceptance of a $356,324.05 grant from the Oklahoma Highway Safety Office, equipment, training and certification sessions for the Oklahoma Impaired Driving Enforcement Drug Recognition Program; ratifying submittal of the internet based application by the Chief of Police and the Police Department Business Manager; authorizing the Mayor to sign any necessary documents; authorizing the Police Business Manager or Management Specialist to submit the internet acceptance, requests for funds, provide reports as required, and to administer the grant; and authorizing the City Treasurer to receive and deposit the funds in the Grants Management Fund.


Receive the Central Oklahoma Transportation and Parking Authority Operating Budget for fiscal year 2024-2025.


Amendment No. 2 to Retainer Agreement with A New Energy, LLC, for professional legal services in matters before the Oklahoma Corporation Commission and/or fuel, oil and gas, transportation, telecommunications, or public utility matters, retroactive to July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025.


Resolution authorizing the Municipal Counselor to waive service of process and to confess judgment without admission of liability in the amount of $3,838.19 and all the costs of the action in the Oklahoma County District Court in the claim filed by Zachary Douma. Ward 2.


Resolution authorizing the Municipal Counselor to waive service of process and to confess judgment without admission of liability in the amount of $1,500 and all the costs of the action in the Oklahoma County District Court in the claim filed by Crystal Harris. Ward 7.


Resolution authorizing the Municipal Counselor to waive service of process and to confess judgment without admission of liability in the amount of $15,500 and all the costs of the action in the Oklahoma County District Court in the claim filed by Jorge Gutierrez-Ibarra. Ward 4.


Resolution authorizing the Municipal Counselor to waive service of process and to confess judgment without admission of liability in the amount of $1,073.57 and all the costs of the action in the Oklahoma County District Court in the claim filed by Ronald Landreth. Ward 1.


Resolution authorizing the Municipal Counselor to waive service of process and to confess judgment without admission of liability in the amount of $8,315.21 and all the costs of the action in the Oklahoma County District Court in the claim filed by Stacy McNeiland. Ward 8.


Resolution authorizing the Municipal Counselor to waive service of process and to confess judgment without admission of liability in the amount of $1,000 and all the costs of the action in the Oklahoma County District Court in the claim filed by Eric Tillman. Ward 6.


Resolution authorizing the Municipal Counselor to waive service of process and to confess judgment without admission of liability in the amount of $6,000 and all the costs of the action in the Oklahoma County District Court in the claim filed by Dale Watwood. Ward 6.


Concurrence Docket


Concurrence with the Oklahoma City Water Utilities Trust in approving the Plans and Specifications to be advertised for bids, Project SC-1124, Sanitary Sewer Aerial Crossing Rehabilitation, 4800 South Broadway Place. Ward 4.


1. Concurrence with the Oklahoma City Water Utilities Trust in approving the Agreement with E & K Investments, LLC; and
2. Concurrence with the Oklahoma City Water Utilities Trust in approving the Plans and Specifications to be advertised for bids, Project WC-1083, Waterline Replacement, 700 West Memorial Road. Ward 7.


Concurrence with the Oklahoma City Water Utilities Trust in ratifying and approving Addendum No. 1; awarding a contract to Cimarron Construction Company, LLC, Project WC-1045, Waterline Replacement, West Memorial Road between Memorial Park Drive and Clearbrook Road, $939,939; and approving the contract and bonds. Ward 8.


Concurrence with the Oklahoma City Water Utilities Trust in approving Amendment No. 2 to the Contract for Engineering Services with Freese and Nichols, Inc., Project WT-0222, Various Draper Water Treatment Plant Improvements, fee increase of $64,900. Ward 4.


Concurrence with the Oklahoma City Water Utilities Trust in approving Amendment No. 2 to the Contract for Engineering Services with Carollo Engineers, Inc., Project WT-0249, Draper Water Treatment Plant Filter Rehabilitation, fee increase of $894,066. Ward 4.


Concurrence with the Oklahoma City Water Utilities Trust in approving Amendment No. 3 to Contract for Engineering Services with Garver, LLC, Project WC-0871, Atoka Pipeline raw water transmission line, Atoka Pump Station O to Coalgate, fee of increase $563,974.


Concurrence with the Oklahoma City Water Utilities Trust in approving Amendment No. 5 to the Contract for Engineering Services with Carollo Engineers, Inc., Project WY-0012, Distribution System Nitrification Evaluation, fee increase of $412,322. Wards 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8.


Concurrence with the Oklahoma City Water Utilities Trust in approving Change Order No. 4 with Crossland Heavy Contractors, Inc., Project ST-0138, South Canadian Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvements, decrease of $534,887.42. Ward 5.


Concurrence with the Oklahoma City Water Utilities Trust in approving Amendment No. 1 and Change Order No. 1 with Krapff-Reynolds Construction Company, Projects SC-1103 and WC-0974-1, Sewer and Waterline Replacements, NW 32nd Terrace to NW 30th Street between Pennsylvania Avenue and Kentucky Avenue, increase of $32,773; accepting the project and placing the maintenance bond into effect. Ward 2.


Concurrence with the Oklahoma City Water Utilities Trust in adopting a Resolution rescinding the Final Acceptance of Project WC-0950-2, Waterline Replacement, West Hefner Road to Morton Avenue from North Florida Avenue to North Brauer Avenue, NW 115th Street to NW 109th Street from Pennsylvania Avenue to Villa Avenue, amending Project WC-0950-2 to approve the claim in the amount of $502,566.05, and thereupon approving Final Acceptance of Project WC-0950-2, as amended, and reaffirming the maintenance bond effective date as July 16, 2024. Ward 7.


Concurrence with the Oklahoma City Water Utilities Trust in adopting a Resolution rescinding the Final Acceptance of Project WT-0159, Redundancy and Resiliency Improvements for Water Treatment and Storage, Draper Water Treatment Plant, amending Project WT-0159 to approve the claim in the amount of $1,787,224.54, and thereupon approving Final Acceptance of Project WT-0159, as amended, and reaffirming the maintenance bond effective date as July 16, 2024. Ward 4.


Concurrence with the Oklahoma City Water Utilities Trust in adopting a Resolution rescinding the Final Acceptance of Project WT-0246, Hefner Surge System Operational Enhancements, Hefner Water Treatment Plant; amending Project WT-0246 to approve the claim in the amount of $90,244.34; and thereupon approving Final Acceptance of Project WT-0246 as amended, and reaffirming the maintenance bond effective date as July 16, 2024.Ward 4.


Concurrence with the Oklahoma City Water Utilities Trust in ratifying and approving Addendum No. 1; adopting a Resolution extending time to award a contract, awarding contract to Wynn Construction Company, Inc., Projects TW-0001-R and TS-0001-R, Tinker Operations Building, Tinker Air Force Base, $7,781,613; and approving the contract and bonds. Ward 4.


Concurrence with the Oklahoma City Water Utilities Trust in approving the Plans and Specifications to be advertised for bids, Project WC-0855-R, Water Transmission Main, NW 4th Street and MacArthur Boulevard to 7420 Melrose Lane. Ward 3.


Items for Individual Consideration


Ordinance on final hearing (emergency) recommended for approval (five affirmative votes required for approval) (PC-10913) rezoning 7200 North Santa Fe Avenue from R-1 Single-Family Residential District to AA Agricultural District. Ward 7.
Deferred from July 30, 2024.


Ordinance on final hearing (emergency) recommended for approval (five affirmative votes required for approval) (PC-10935) rezoning 3301 NE 11th Street from R-1 Single-Family Residential District to R-2 Medium-Low Density Residential District. Ward 7.
Deferred from August 13, 2024.


Ordinance on final hearing (emergency) recommended for approval (five affirmative votes required for approval) (PC-10940) rezoning 1500 NE 25th Street from R-1 Single-Family Residential and HNO Healthy Neighborhood Overlay Districts to R-3 Medium Density Residential and HNO Healthy Neighborhood Overlay Districts. Ward 7.
Deferred from August 13, 2024.


1. Amendment to Master Design Statement removing Child Care Centers as a permitted use, restricting outdoor music and modifying Section 9.13 Height Regulations.
2. Ordinance on final hearing (emergency) recommended for approval (five affirmative votes required for approval) (PUD-2019) rezoning 501 East I-44 Service Road from R-1 Single-Family Residential, PUD-1842 Planned Unit Development, PUD-1228 Planned Unit Development, and O-2 General Office Districts to PUD-2019 Planned Unit Development District. Ward 7.
Planning Commission recommended approval subject to the Summary of Technical Evaluation.
Deferred from July 30, and August 13, 2024.


Ordinance on final hearing (emergency) recommended for approval (five affirmative votes required for approval) (SPUD-1621) rezoning 1821 North MacArthur Boulevard from R-4 General Residential District to SPUD-1621 Simplified Planned Unit Development District. Ward 2.
Deferred from July 2, 16 and 30, and August 13, 2024.


Ordinance on final hearing amending the Oklahoma City Municipal Code, 2020, relating to authorizing City employees to provide plumbing and mechanical services as journeymen on City facilities; amending Chapter 18 - Electrical Code, Article IV – Apprentices, Journeymen and Contractors, by amending Section 18-76 - Electrical journeyman; and amending Chapter 29 - Mechanical Code, Article IV – Apprentices, Journeymen and Contractors, by amending Section 29-76 - Mechanical journeyman.


Ordinance to be introduced, set for public hearing September 10, 2024 and final hearing September 24, 2024, relating to Drainage and Flood Control, amending the Oklahoma City Municipal Code, 2020, by repealing Chapter 16 and enacting a new Chapter 16 - Drainage and Flood Control; and amending Chapter 60 - General Schedule of Fees, Title 16 - Drainage and Flood Control, by amending Section 60-16-3 - Detention pond inspection and enacting Section 60-16-4 - Floodplain activity permit fee; and establishing an effective date.


1. Public hearing regarding dilapidated structures:
    a. 1213 North Page Avenue (house) Ward 7
        Deferred from August 13, 2024
    b. 6446 North Peniel Avenue aka 6301 NW 63rd Street aka 6303 NW
        63rd Street aka 6305 NW 63rd Street aka 6307 NW 63rd Street aka
        6309 NW 63rd Street aka 6311 NW 63rd Street aka 6313 NW 63rd
        Street aka 6315 NW 63rd Street aka 6317 NW 63rd Street aka 6319
        NW 63rd Street aka 6321 NW 63rd Street aka 6323 NW 63rd Street
        aka 6325 NW 63rd Street aka 6327 NW 63rd Street aka 6329 NW
        63rd Street aka 6331 NW 63rd Street aka 6333 NW 63rd Street aka
        6335 NW 63rd Street aka 6337 NW 63rd Street aka 6339 NW 63rd
        Street aka 6341 NW 63rd Street aka 6343 NW 63rd Street aka 6345
        NW 63rd Street aka 6347 NW 63rd Street aka 6349 NW 63rd Street
        aka 6351 NW 63rd Street aka 6353 NW 63rd Street aka 6355 NW
        63rd Street aka 6357 NW 63rd Street aka 6359 NW 63rd Street aka
        6361 NW 63rd Street aka 6363 NW 63rd Street aka 6365 NW 63rd
        Street aka 6367 NW 63rd Street aka 6369 NW 63rd Street aka 6371
        NW 63rd Street aka 6373 NW 63rd Street aka 6375 NW 63rd Street
        aka 6377 NW 63rd Street aka 6379 NW 63rd Street aka 6381 NW
        63rd Street aka 6383 NW 63rd Street aka 6385 NW 63rd Street aka
        6387 NW 63rd Street aka 6389 NW 63rd Street aka 6391 NW 63rd
        Street aka 6393 NW 63rd Street aka 6395 NW 63rd Street aka 6397
        NW 63rd Street aka 6404 North Peniel Avenue aka 6408 North
        Peniel Avenue aka 6412 North Peniel Avenue aka 6416 North Peniel
        Avenue aka 6420 North Peniel Avenue aka 6424 North Peniel Avenue
        aka 6428 North Peniel Avenue aka 6432 North Peniel Avenue aka
        6436 North Peniel Avenue aka 6440 North Peniel Avenue aka 6444
        North Peniel Avenue aka 6600 North Peniel Avenue aka 6600
        Lyrewood Lane aka 6604 Lyrewood Lane aka 6612 Lyrewood Lane
        aka 6616 Lyrewood Lane aka 6620 Lyrewood Lane aka 6700
        Lyrewood Lane aka 6704 Lyrewood Lane aka 6708 Lyrewood Lane
        aka 6712 Lyrewood Lane aka 6716 Lyrewood Lane aka 6800
        Lyrewood Lane aka 6804 Lyrewood Lane aka 6808 Lyrewood Lane
        aka 6812 Lyrewood Lane aka 6816 Lyrewood Lane aka 6820
        Lyrewood Lane aka 6824 Lyrewood Lane aka 6828 Lyrewood Lane
        aka 6832 Lyrewood Lane aka 6900 Lyrewood Lane aka 6904
        Lyrewood Lane aka 6908 Lyrewood Lane aka 6912 Lyrewood Lane
        aka 6916 Lyrewood Lane aka 7000 Lyrewood Lane aka 7004
        Lyrewood Lane aka 7008 Lyrewood Lane aka 7012 Lyrewood Lane
        aka 7016 Lyrewood Lane aka 7020 Lyrewood Lane aka 7022
        Lyrewood Lane aka 7024 Lyrewood Lane aka 7026 Lyrewood Lane
        aka 7028 Lyrewood Lane aka 7032 Lyrewood Lane aka 7036
        Lyrewood Lane aka 7038 Lyrewood Lane aka 7040 Lyrewood Lane
        aka 7042 Lyrewood Lane aka 7044 Lyrewood Lane aka 7048
        Lyrewood Lane aka 7050 Lyrewood Lane aka 7100 Lyrewood Lane
        aka 7104 Lyrewood Lane aka 7108 Lyrewood Lane aka 7112
        Lyrewood Lane aka 7116 Lyrewood Lane aka 7120 Lyrewood Lane
        aka 7122 Lyrewood Lane aka 7124 Lyrewood Lane aka 7126
        Lyrewood Lane aka 7128 Lyrewood Lane aka 7130 Lyrewood Lane
        aka 7132 Lyrewood Lane aka 7134 Lyrewood Lane aka 7136
        Lyrewood Lane aka 7138 Lyrewood Lane aka 7140 Lyrewood Lane
        aka 7142 Lyrewood Lane aka 7144 Lyrewood Lane aka 7146
        Lyrewood Lane aka 7148 Lyrewood Lane aka 7150 Lyrewood Lane
        Lyrewood Lane aka 7160 Lyrewood Lane aka 7164 Lyrewood Lane
        aka 7168 Lyrewood Lane aka 7172 Lyrewood Lane aka 7176
        Lyrewood Lane aka 7178 Lyrewood Lane (apartment building 7050
        and apartment 7160) Ward 1
        Deferred from March 26, June 24 and August 13, 2024
    c. 1909 Terrace Lawn Drive (detached garage) Ward 4
    d. 515 North Western Avenue aka 511 North Western Avenue aka
        519 North Western Avenue (commercial building) Ward 6
    e. 340 SE 52nd Street (house) Ward 4
2. Resolution declaring structures are dilapidated: directing said structures to be torn down, establishing dates of August 28, 2024 and September 27, 2024 for commencement and completion of removal by owners.


1. Public hearing regarding unsecured structures:
    a. 6600 Braniff Drive (house) Ward 7
    b. 4305 South Miller Avenue aka 4309 South Miller Avenue (north house
        and south house) Ward 6
    c. 3908 Oak Valley Road (house) Ward 4
    d. 515 North Western Avenue aka 511 North Western Avenue aka 519
        North Western Avenue (commercial building) Ward 6
    e. 1525 NW 32nd Street (house) Ward 2
     f. 24 SW 44th Street aka 20 SW 44th Street (east commercial building
         and west commercial building) Ward 4
    g. 4008 SE 47th Street (house) Ward 4
    h. 3737 SE 48th Place (shed) Ward 4
    i. 340 SE 52nd Street (house and shed) Ward 4
    j. 1005 SW 67th Street (pool and shed) Ward
    k. 711 NW 91st Street (detached garage and house and shed) Ward 2
    l. 814 NW 91st Street (house) Ward 2
2. Resolution declaring structures are unsecured.


1. Public hearing regarding abandoned buildings:
    a. 3908 Oak Valley Road (house) Ward 4
    b. 6446 North Peniel Avenue aka 6301 NW 63rd Street aka 6303 NW
        63rd Street aka 6305 NW 63rd Street aka 6307 NW 63rd Street aka
        6309 NW 63rd Street aka 6311 NW 63rd Street aka 6313 NW 63rd
        Street aka 6315 NW 63rd Street aka 6317 NW 63rd Street aka 6319
        NW 63rd Street aka 6321 NW 63rd Street aka 6323 NW 63rd Street
        aka 6325 NW 63rd Street aka 6327 NW 63rd Street aka 6329 NW
        63rd Street aka 6331 NW 63rd Street aka 6333 NW 63rd Street aka
        6335 NW 63rd Street aka 6337 NW 63rd Street aka 6339 NW 63rd
        Street aka 6341 NW 63rd Street aka 6343 NW 63rd Street aka 6345
        NW 63rd Street aka 6347 NW 63rd Street aka 6349 NW 63rd Street
        aka 6351 NW 63rd Street aka 6353 NW 63rd Street aka 6355 NW
        63rd Street aka 6357 NW 63rd Street aka 6359 NW 63rd Street aka
        6361 NW 63rd Street aka 6363 NW 63rd Street aka 6365 NW 63rd
        Street aka 6367 NW 63rd Street aka 6369 NW 63rd Street aka 6371
        NW 63rd Street aka 6373 NW 63rd Street aka 6375 NW 63rd Street
        aka 6377 NW 63rd Street aka 6379 NW 63rd Street aka 6381 NW
        63rd Street aka 6383 NW 63rd Street aka 6385 NW 63rd Street aka
        6387 NW 63rd Street aka 6389 NW 63rd Street aka 6391 NW 63rd
        Street aka 6393 NW 63rd Street aka 6395 NW 63rd Street aka 6397
        NW 63rd Street aka 6404 North Peniel Avenue aka 6408 North
        Peniel Avenue aka 6412 North Peniel Avenue aka 6416 North Peniel
        Avenue aka 6420 North Peniel Avenue aka 6424 North Peniel Avenue
        aka 6428 North Peniel Avenue aka 6432 North Peniel Avenue aka
        6436 North Peniel Avenue aka 6440 North Peniel Avenue aka 6444
        North Peniel Avenue aka 6600 North Peniel Avenue aka 6600
        Lyrewood Lane aka 6604 Lyrewood Lane aka 6612 Lyrewood Lane
        aka 6616 Lyrewood Lane aka 6620 Lyrewood Lane aka 6700
        Lyrewood Lane aka 6704 Lyrewood Lane aka 6708 Lyrewood Lane
        aka 6712 Lyrewood Lane aka 6716 Lyrewood Lane aka 6800
        Lyrewood Lane aka 6804 Lyrewood Lane aka 6808 Lyrewood Lane
        aka 6812 Lyrewood Lane aka 6816 Lyrewood Lane aka 6820
        Lyrewood Lane aka 6824 Lyrewood Lane aka 6828 Lyrewood Lane
        aka 6832 Lyrewood Lane aka 6900 Lyrewood Lane aka 6904
        Lyrewood Lane aka 6908 Lyrewood Lane aka 6912 Lyrewood Lane
        aka 6916 Lyrewood Lane aka 7000 Lyrewood Lane aka 7004
        Lyrewood Lane aka 7008 Lyrewood Lane aka 7012 Lyrewood Lane
        aka 7016 Lyrewood Lane aka 7020 Lyrewood Lane aka 7022
        Lyrewood Lane aka 7024 Lyrewood Lane aka 7026 Lyrewood Lane
        aka 7028 Lyrewood Lane aka 7032 Lyrewood Lane aka 7036
        Lyrewood Lane aka 7038 Lyrewood Lane aka 7040 Lyrewood Lane
        aka 7042 Lyrewood Lane aka 7044 Lyrewood Lane aka 7048
        Lyrewood Lane aka 7050 Lyrewood Lane aka 7100 Lyrewood Lane
        aka 7104 Lyrewood Lane aka 7108 Lyrewood Lane aka 7112
        Lyrewood Lane aka 7116 Lyrewood Lane aka 7120 Lyrewood Lane
        aka 7122 Lyrewood Lane aka 7124 Lyrewood Lane aka 7126
        Lyrewood Lane aka 7128 Lyrewood Lane aka 7130 Lyrewood Lane
        aka 7132 Lyrewood Lane aka 7134 Lyrewood Lane aka 7136
        Lyrewood Lane aka 7138 Lyrewood Lane aka 7140 Lyrewood Lane
        aka 7142 Lyrewood Lane aka 7144 Lyrewood Lane aka 7146
        Lyrewood Lane aka 7148 Lyrewood Lane aka 7150 Lyrewood Lane
        aka 7152 Lyrewood Lane aka 7154 Lyrewood Lane aka 7156
        Lyrewood Lane aka 7160 Lyrewood Lane aka 7164 Lyrewood Lane
        aka 7168 Lyrewood Lane aka 7172 Lyrewood Lane aka 7176
        Lyrewood Lane aka 7178 Lyrewood Lane (apartment building 7050
        and apartment building 7160) Ward 1
        Deferred from March 26, June 4, and August 13, 2024.
    c. 1525 NW 32nd Street (house) Ward 2
    d. 4008 SE 47th Street (house) Ward 4
    e. 340 SE 52nd Street (house) Ward 4
    f. 814 NW 91st Street (house) Ward 2
2. Resolution declaring buildings are abandoned.


Joint Resolution with the Oklahoma City Airport Trust renaming “Will Rogers World Airport” to “OKC Will Rogers International Airport.” Ward 3. 


Resolution amending the current Budgeting and Financial Planning Policies adopted April 12, 2022.


Resolution authorizing legal counsel to participate in Federal Energy Regulatory Commission proceedings and to initiate litigation to enforce the Settlement Agreement and protect the rights and interests of The City of Oklahoma City related to the Settlement Act, the Settlement Agreement, Sardis Lake storage rights, Kiamichi River stream water rights, and other related rights and interests from the application by the Southeast Oklahoma Power Company, and its affiliates, for a license under the Federal Power Act, and from the actions of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission; and authorizing legal counsel to negotiate and execute joint agreements to cooperate and coordinate with co-plaintiffs and co-parties to the Settlement Agreement to enforce the Settlement Agreement and protect the rights and interests of The City of Oklahoma City.


Resolution authorizing the Municipal Counselor to confess Judgment without admitting liability in the case of Ashlee Maze, Kurtis Gaunce, and Ashlee Maze and Kurtis Gaunce as Parents and Next of Friends of A.G., E.G., and G.G., Minor Children v. The City of Oklahoma City, City Heights South, LLC, d/b/a 717 Ventura South Apartments and Greenline Apartment Management, LLC, Oklahoma County District Court Case No. CJ-2023-2595;


Enter into executive session on advice of the Municipal Counselor to receive confidential communications from its attorney regarding settlement of this case as authorized by 25 O.S. (2023 Supp.) §307(B)(4), because disclosure would seriously impair the ability of the public body to conduct the litigation with settlement discussions in the public interest.


Joint Resolution with The City of Oklahoma City authorizing the firm Collins, Zorn, & Wagner, P.C. to represent City employees Kimberly Vance and Mark Fields in the case of Deonte Martize McKaufman v. Kimberly Vance, et al., Oklahoma County District Court Case No. CJ-2024-3278;


Enter into executive session on advice of the Municipal Counselor to receive confidential communications from its attorney concerning the above pending litigation, as authorized by 25 O.S. (2023 Supp.) §307(B)(4), because disclosure would seriously impair the ability of the public body to process the claim or conduct a pending investigation, litigation or proceeding in the public interest.


Enter into executive session on advice of the Municipal Counselor to receive confidential communications from its attorney concerning the case of Charles Eugene Mitchell, III v. Michael Klika, Ryan Landers, et al., United States District Court for the Western District of Oklahoma, Case No. CIV-23-534-HE, as authorized by 25 O.S. (2023 Supp.) §307(B)(4), because disclosure would seriously impair the ability of the public body to conduct the pending litigation in the public interest.


1. Claims recommended for denial:
    a. Williams Conner $2,800 (Ward 1)
    b. Richard Laskey $669.66 (Ward 7)
    c. Patrick Wilson amount unknown (Ward 7)
2. Enter into executive session on advice of the Municipal Counselor to receive confidential communications from its attorney concerning the above claims as authorized by 25 O.S. (2023 Supp.) §307 (B)(4), because disclosure would seriously impair the ability of the public body to deal with the pending claims in the public interest.


1. Claims recommended for approval:
    a. Brandi Beres $125 (Ward 7)
    b. Misty Birchfield $180.95 (Ward 8)
2. Enter into executive session on advice of the Municipal Counselor to receive confidential communications from its attorney concerning the above claims as authorized by 25 O.S. (2023 Supp.) §307 (B)(4), because disclosure would seriously impair the ability of the public body to deal with the pending claims in the public interest.


Comments from Council


Citizens to be Heard


Debbie Eddy, 2501 NW 37th Street, Right of Way Concern.


Ronny Kirk, 2328 North Missouri Avenue, Police Body Camera.

