The City of
  City Council
  8:30 AM November 19, 2024
  David Holt, Mayor
  Council Members:
  Bradley Carter....................Ward 1
  James Cooper.....................Ward 2
  Barbara Peck......................Ward 3
  Todd Stone..........................Ward 4
  Matt Hinkle........................Ward 5
  JoBeth Hamon....................Ward 6
  Vacant..................................Ward 7
  Mark K. Stonecipher..........Ward 8
  Craig Freeman, City Manager
  Amy K. Simpson, City Clerk
  Kenneth Jordan, Municipal Counselor
200 N. Walker • 3rd Floor • Council Chamber
The City Council meets every other Tuesday at 8:30 a.m. in City Hall unless prior notice of a change is posted. Free parking is available at the Sheridan­-Walker Parking Garage (501 West Sheridan). Parking tickets must be validated in the Mayor's/City Manager's reception area.
It is the policy of the City to ensure that communications with participants and members of the public with disabilities are as effective as communications with others. Anyone with a disability who requires an accommodation, a modification of policies or procedures, or an auxiliary aid or service in order to participate in this meeting should contact the ADA department coordinator at 297-­2396 as soon as possible but not later than 48 hours (not including weekends or holidays) before the scheduled meeting. The department will give primary consideration to the choice of auxiliary aid or service requested by the individual with disability. If you need an alternate format of the agenda or any information provided at said meeting, please contact the ADA department coordinator listed above 48 hours prior to the scheduled meeting.
Addressing the Council
Citizens may address the Council on certain items by signing up to speak and providing the agenda item number, their reason for appearing and their address, but all comments must be relevant to the item. The Mayor or presiding officer may at their discretion prohibit a person from addressing the Council, or have any person removed from the Council Chamber, if that person commits any disorderly or disruptive behavior.  Disorderly conduct includes, but is not limited to, any of the following: speaking without being recognized by the Mayor or presiding officer; continuing to speak after notice that the speaker’s allotted time has expired; presenting comments or material not relevant to the item under discussion; failing to comply with the lawful instructions of the Mayor or presiding officer; engaging in other conduct, activity or speech that delays, pursuant to 21 O.S. §280, disruptive conduct includes any conduct that is “violent, threatening, abusive, obscene, or that jeopardizes the safety of self or others”. A person may also be subject to arrest and removal from the Municipal Building for violation of Oklahoma City Municipal Code 2020, § 30-­81 – Disorderly conduct and/or violation of Oklahoma Statute Title 21, §280- Willfully Disturbing, Interfering With or Disrupting State Business, Agency Operations or Employees.

Citizens may not address the Council regarding items from “Office of the Mayor,” “Items from Council” (except for items listed for a vote or if asked for comments by a Councilmember), or items under “City Manager Reports.” Citizens may also address the Council on individual concerns, including on the listed exceptions, at the end of the agenda under “Citizens to be Heard.” Citizens to be Heard is not provided as a forum for publicly announced or declared candidates for City public office, and they will not be allowed to speak as Citizens to be Heard. Citizens will not be allowed to campaign on any political issue during the Council meeting. Comments must concern City services or policies. Please fill out a "Request to be Heard" form located outside the Chambers. Please return this form to the Council Office at the north end of the hall. PLEASE LIMIT YOUR COMMENTS TO 3 MINUTES. Continuing to speak beyond the time allowed by the Mayor or presiding officer shall constitute grounds for removal from the Council Chamber.
Council Actions
Official action can be taken only on items which appear on the agenda. The Council may adopt, approve, ratify, deny, defer, recommend, amend, strike, or continue any agenda item. When more information is needed to act on an item, the Council may refer the matter to the City Manager or the Municipal Counselor. The Council may also refer items to standing committees of the Council or to a board or commission for additional study.  Under certain circumstances, items are deferred to a specific later date or stricken from the agenda entirely.
Consent Docket
Items listed under "Consent Docket" are usually approved as a group with the proper motion from a member of Council. Members of Council may request discussion or separate action on any item on the Consent Docket.
Television and YouTube Coverage
Residents can watch the City Council meeting live by going to City Council meetings can also be watched live on Cox Cable Channel 20. Meetings are replayed on Cox Cable Channel 20 Tuesday evening starting at 6:30 p.m. and 12:30 p.m. Sunday following the meeting. If there are technical difficulties with either live stream during the meeting, a video will be posted as soon as possible after the meeting. 
November 19, 2024

Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance


Call to Order


From the Office of the Mayor


Resolution of Commendation for Mike Clark on his selection as the November 2024 South Oklahoma City Kiwanis Club Employee of the Month.


Resolution recognizing and commending Jorge “Mario” Roldan on his selection as the November 2024 Teacher of the Month by The Oklahoma City Public Schools Foundation and Rotary Club of Oklahoma City.


Appointment of Maurianna Adams to serve as a member of the Oklahoma City Economic Development Trust.


Resolution appointing a qualified person to fill the vacancy in the office of Councilor from Ward 7 until a successor Councilor is elected by the voters of Ward 7 in the regular Council election or elections to be held in 2025; such appointment will become effective upon administration of the oath or affirmation of office to the appointee, as required by law;


Enter into executive session to discuss the appointment of a particular person to the office of Councilor for Ward 7, as authorized by 25 O.S. (2024 Supp.) §307(B)(1).


Items from Council


City Manager Reports


Presentation of the Working Group’s Findings Regarding Labor Peace Agreements


First Quarter Report from Visit Oklahoma City, The Oklahoma City Convention and Visitors Bureau


Journal of Council Proceedings


Receive Journal of Council Proceedings for November 5, 2025. 


Approve Journal of Council Proceedings for October 22, 2024.


Request for Uncontested Continuances

XI. F.


Revocable Permits and Events


Revocable Permit with Oklahoma City Tours LLC, the Oklahoma City Public Property Authority, and the Oklahoma Industries Authority to hold tours within the Metro-Conncourse, November 19, 2024 through June 30, 2026. Ward 6.




Joint Resolution with The City of Oklahoma City approving use of $38,824 from Oklahoma City Municipal Facilities Authority revolving funds to purchase an easement in Oklahoma City’s name for this General Obligation Bond Project; and upon the sale of all bonds designated for this listed project to authorize the expenditure of such 2017 General Obligation Streets Proposition Bond Funds by administrative transfer to the Oklahoma City Municipal Facilities Authority in the amount of $38,824 for the purchase of said easement as necessary for the design, construction and completion, Project PC-0707, Roadway Widening and Improvements, SW 149th Street from South Pennsylvania Avenue to South Western Avenue, within the arbitrage rule timelines; and authorizing the Oklahoma City Municipal Facilities Authority to administratively accept and deposit said bond funds into the Oklahoma City Municipal Facilities Authority revolving fund for future use on General Obligation Bond Projects as needed. Ward 5.


Joint Resolution with The City of Oklahoma City authorizing the Director of Risk Management and the Trust’s legal counsel to enter into a Joint Petition Settlement of the Workers' Compensation Commission Claim No. CM3-2021-00970H styled: James Deering, Claimant vs. The City of Oklahoma City, Respondent, an Own Risk Carrier, and further authorizing the Municipal Counselor to assist said counsel in the rendition of said Joint Petition Settlement to Judgment as authorized by 85 O.S. §346, 62 O.S. §§365.1 et seq. and Article 10, Section 28 of the Oklahoma Constitution.


Joint Resolution with The City of Oklahoma City authorizing the Director of Risk Management and the Trust’s legal counsel to enter into a Joint Petition Settlement of the Workers' Compensation Commission Claim No. CM3-2021-00973X styled: James Deering, Claimant vs. The City of Oklahoma City, Respondent, an Own Risk Carrier, and further authorizing the Municipal Counselor to assist said counsel in the rendition of said Joint Petition Settlement to Judgment as authorized by 85 O.S. §346, 62 O.S. §§365.1 et seq. and Article 10, Section 28 of the Oklahoma Constitution.


Joint Resolution with The City of Oklahoma City authorizing the Director of Risk Management and the Trust’s legal counsel not to appeal and to comply with the Order of the Workers' Compensation Commission Claim No. CM3-2023-06559F, styled: Jeffrey Owen, Claimant vs. The City of Oklahoma City, Respondent, an Own Risk Carrier, and authorizing the Municipal Counselor to assist said counsel in the rendition of the Order to Judgment as authorized by 85 O.S. §346, 62 O.S. §§365.1 et seq. and Article 10, Section 28 of the Oklahoma Constitution.


Joint Resolution with The City of Oklahoma City directing the Director of Risk Management and the Trust’s legal counsel not to appeal the Order of the Workers' Compensation Commission Claim No. CM3-2024-02144J, styled: Samuel Redenius, Claimant vs. The City of Oklahoma City, Respondent, an Own Risk Carrier, and authorizing payment to the Claimant of permanent partial disability benefits, attorney fees, less an assessment for the Multiple Injury Trust Fund; authorizing payment of costs and fees for the Respondent.


Joint Resolution with The City of Oklahoma City directing the Director of Risk Management and the Trust’s legal counsel not to appeal the Order of the Workers' Compensation Commission Claim No. CM3-2024-01126R, styled: Daniel Stamey, Claimant vs. The City of Oklahoma City, Respondent, an Own Risk Carrier, and authorizing payment to the Claimant of permanent partial disability benefits, attorney fees, less an assessment for the Multiple Injury Trust Fund; authorizing payment of costs and fees for the Respondent.




Joint Resolution with The City of Oklahoma City waiving formal competitive bidding, declaring Mobile Communications America, Inc. as a sole source vendor, and approving Amendment No. 2 to Equipment Maintenance and Monitoring Agreement with Mobile Communications America, Inc. (COKC01125), for the purchase and installation of the necessary fiber work, the DC power distribution equipment, and other related system work for the ongoing transfer of the neutrally-hosted, multi-sector distributive antenna system from the Cox Convention Center to the Oklahoma City Convention Center, 100 Mick Cornett Drive, not to exceed $212,510.43, November 19, 2024 through November 18, 2025 or until the work is complete.


Amendment No. 2 to Neutrally Hosted, Multi-Sector Distributed Antenna System Access Permit and License Agreement with Cellco Partnership dba Verizon Wireless, documenting the transfer of the Distributed Antenna System headend, currently located in the Cox Convention Center, to the Oklahoma City Convention Center and permitting connection to such Distributed Antenna System, thereby providing enhanced wireless cellular service to the Paycom Center, 100 Mick Cornett Drive. Ward 7.


Request for Proposals to be advertised for financing offers from commercial and investment banks for interim funding to construct a new NBA arena, 1 Myriad Gardens (RFP-OCPPA-020). Ward 7.


Revocable Permit with Oklahoma City Tours LLC, The City of Oklahoma City and the Oklahoma Industries Authority to hold tours within the Metro-Conncourse, November 19, 2024 through June 30, 2026. Ward 6.




Consent Docket


Renewal No. 3 of Agreement with Lexipol, LLC (R24-C225024), Policy and Training Solutions for the Fire Department, $38,863.21, November 23, 2024 through November 22, 2025.


Renewal No. 1 of pricing agreement with Direct Protective Services (C247070), security services for the Municipal Court, estimated cost $250,000, November 30, 2024 through November 29, 2025.


1. Renewal No. 2 of pricing agreement, ABC Clinic (R24-C237058A), emergency veterinary services, including spay and neuter services, estimated cost $300,000, November 22, 2024 through November 21, 2025; and
2. Resolution authorizing the open market purchase of no bid and related services not available on a pricing agreement (COKC00892), estimated cost $150,000, November 22, 2024 through November 21, 2025.


Pricing agreement awards and approvals, DP Building Systems Ltd (COKC01108), RapidBlocs Limited (COKC01109), unistruts, RapidBloc frames and hardware, estimated cost $2,200,000, November 19, 2024 through November 18, 2025.


1. Pricing agreement awards and approvals, US Foods (COKC01038), Jolas Kitchen (COKC01039), A Good Time Daiquiri Lounge (COKC01040), Sysco Oklahoma (COKC01041) and First Choice Coffee Services (COKC01042), restaurant/concession food, beverage and related items, estimated cost $400,000, November 19, 2024 through November 18, 2025; and
2. Resolution authorizing the open market purchases of related items not available on a pricing agreement (COKC01043), estimated cost $100,000, November 19, 2024 through November 18, 2025.


Resolution authorizing the purchase of wireless services and equipment, including wireless voice and data plans, from State Contract (COKC01058), estimated cost $2,500,000, November 21, 2024 through November 20, 2025.


Resolution authorizing the purchase of fleet management technologies with related software solutions and hardware updates, services, training and support through Sourcewell Cooperative Purchasing (COKC01083), estimated cost $200,000, November 23, 2024 through November 22, 2025.


Resolution authorizing the purchase of Boomi software maintenance and support from OMNIA Partners public sector purchasing cooperative (COKC01117), estimated cost $145,000, November 21, 2024 through November 20, 2025.


Ordinance to be introduced and set for final hearing December 17, 2024 (PC-10939) rezoning 5500 South Hiwassee Road from AA Agricultural District to RA-2 Single-Family Two-Acre Rural Residential District. Ward 4.


Ordinance to be introduced and set for final hearing December 17, 2024 (PUD-2035) rezoning 620 North Cemetery Road from PUD-1504 Planned Unit Development District to PUD-2035 Planned Unit Development District. Ward 3.


Ordinance to be introduced and set for final hearing December 17, 2024 (PUD-2037) rezoning 15601 North County Line Road from R-1 Single-Family Residential and AA Agricultural Districts to PUD-2037 Planned Unit Development District. Ward 1.


Ordinance to be introduced and set for final hearing December 17, 2024 (PUD-2038) rezoning 11605 North Morgan Road from AA Agricultural District to PUD-2038 Planned Unit Development District. Ward 1.


Ordinance to be introduced and set for final hearing December 17, 2024 (PUD-2039) rezoning 345 West I-240 Service Road from PUD-1826 Planned Unit Development District to PUD-2039 Planned Unit Development District. Ward 4.


Ordinance to be introduced and set for final hearing December 17, 2024 (SPUD-1672) rezoning 217 NW 150th Street from PUD-1136 Planned Unit Development District to SPUD-1672 Simplified Planned Unit Development District. Ward 7.


Ordinance to be introduced and set for final hearing December 17, 2024 (SPUD-1676) rezoning 1612 NE 16th Street from R-1 Single-Family Residential and R-2 Medium-Low Density Residential Districts to SPUD-1676 Simplified Planned Unit Development District. Ward 7.


Ordinance to be introduced and set for final hearing December 17, 2024 (SPUD-1678) rezoning 515 NE 1st Street from PUD-1132 Planned Unit Development District and DSHA Downtown Scenic Highway Area to SPUD-1678 Simplified Planned Unit Development District and DSHA Downtown Scenic Highway Area. Ward 7.


Ordinance to be introduced and set for final hearing December 17, 2024 (SPUD-1679) rezoning 2324 West Park Place from R-2 Medium-Low Density Residential District to SPUD-1679 Simplified Planned Unit Development District. Ward 6.


1. Ordinance to be introduced and set for final hearing December 31, 2024 (CE-1129) closing a portion of the north-south alley in Block One (1) of Northwest Heights Addition, west of North Olie Avenue, and south of NW 67th Street. Ward 2.
2. Resolution establishing a date for enactment of said Ordinance and determining those entitled to notice.


1. Ordinance to be introduced and set for final hearing December 31, 2024 (CE-1130) closing a platted portion of the east-west right-of-way, drainage, and utility easement of SW 164th Street, west of South Pennsylvania Avenue, and south of Southwest 161st Street. Ward 5.
2. Resolution establishing a date for enactment of said Ordinance and determining those entitled to notice.


1. Ordinance to be introduced and set for final hearing December 31, 2024 (CE-1131) closing a portion of the north-south utility easement within Lots Six (6) and Seven (7) in Block Six (6) of Whistle Creek Phase II, west of Whistle Creek Boulevard and north of NW 161st Street. Ward 7.
2. Resolution establishing a date for enactment of said Ordinance and determining those entitled to notice.


Surveyor's Certificate and Correction of Plat for Harris Creek Section 1, north of NW 150th Street and west of North Sara Road. Ward 1.


Resolution releasing the irrevocable letter of credit for the final plat of Morgan Glen Phase 2, north of SW 44th Street and west of South Morgan Road. Ward 3.


Resolution accepting the dedications contained in the final plat of Colonnade Business Park I, north of NW 192nd Street and east of North Portland Avenue. Ward 8.


Professional Service Agreement with the Boys and Girls Clubs of Oklahoma County for out-of-school time youth programming, $349,775, retroactive to July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025. Wards 6 and 7.


Resolution approving a Fiscal Year 2023 Continuum of Care Program Grant Agreement with the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development and Associated Operating Agreements with City Rescue Mission, Inc., $329,260; Heartline, Inc., $21,400; Homeless Alliance, Inc., $923,997; Mental Health Association, Inc., $509,678; City Care, Inc., $229,760; Mental Health Association, Inc., $222,608; City Care, Inc., $363,251; City of Oklahoma City Planning Project, $303,796 and authorizing the Mayor to sign necessary documents. Wards 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8.


Resolution approving allocation of the 2024-2025 Social Services Grant funds and approving Professional Services Agreements with Heartline, Inc., $21,000; Legal Aid Services of Oklahoma, Inc., $20,000; Pivot, Inc., $30,000; Sisu Youth, Inc., $30,000; and Urban League of Greater Oklahoma City, Inc., $20,000, retroactive to July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025.


Ratifying and approving Addendum No. 1; awarding contract to Wynn Construction Co. Inc., Project MP-0629, Bricktown Canal Lighting Improvements, Lower Bricktown Canal, $1,146,000; assigning ECS Southwest, LLP as the testing laboratory; and approving contract and bonds. Ward 7.


Ratifying and approving Addenda Nos. 1 and 2; awarding contract to C4L LLC, Project MB-1683, Fire Department Generator Installation (sixteen locations), $1,927,605; approving contract and bonds. Wards 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8.


Ratifying and approving Addenda Nos. 1 and 2; adopting Joint Resolution with the Oklahoma City Water Utilities Trust extending time to award contract and awarding Joint Contract to Rudy Construction Co., Projects TC-0506 and WC-1020-1, Intersection Improvements and Water Main Replacements, North Pennsylvania Avenue at NW 10th Street and North Virginia Avenue, $5,639,436.85; assigning CEC Corporation as testing laboratory; and approving joint contract and bonds. Ward 6.


Ratifying and approving Addenda Nos. 1, 2 and 3; adopting resolution extending time to award contract and awarding contract to TLS Group, Inc., Projects TC-0631 and TC-0633, Intersection Improvements, NW 150th Street at Lone Oak Drive and North May Avenue at NW 192nd Street, $1,083,750.20; assigning Professional Service Industries, Inc. as the testing laboratory; and approving contract and bonds. Ward 8.


Resolution extending time to award contract and awarding contract to Midtown Construction Services, Project MB-1688-R, Old City Jail Window Improvements, 200 North Shartel Avenue, $187,429; and approving contract and bonds. Ward 6.
Deferred from September 24, October 8 and November 5, 2024.


Amendment No. 1 and Change Order No. 1 with Cimarron Construction Company LLC, Project DC-0311-R, Drainage Improvements, Sunnymeade Place and Croydon Court in the vicinity of West Wilshire Boulevard and West Britton Road, decrease of $82,623.80. Ward 2.


Final Acceptance, Project PC-0786 Phase-2, Residential Sidewalk and Pavement Repair, area bound by North Kelley Avenue, North Martin Luther King Avenue, NE 23rd Street, and NE 36th Street; and placing maintenance bond into effect. Ward 7.


Final Acceptance, Project PC-0849, Arterial Street Resurfacing, South Santa Fe Avenue between I-240 and SE 89th Street; and placing maintenance bond into effect. Wards 4 and 5.


Final Acceptance, Project PC-0954, Arterial Street Resurfacing, SW 119th Street from South May Avenue to South Pennsylvania Avenue; and placing maintenance bond into effect. Ward 5.


Amendment No. 1 to Contract for Engineering Services with Bernhard TME, Project MB-1493, Downtown Campus, City Building Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning Improvements, 100 North Walker Avenue, 200 North Walker Avenue and 420 West Main Street, fee increase of $307,460. Ward 6.


Joint Resolution with the Oklahoma City Municipal Facilities Authority approving use of $38,824 from Oklahoma City Municipal Facilities Authority revolving funds to purchase easement in Oklahoma City’s name for this General Obligation Bond Project; and upon the sale of all bonds designated for this listed project to authorize the expenditure of such 2017 General Obligation Streets Proposition Bond Funds by administrative transfer to the Oklahoma City Municipal Facilities Authority in the amount of $38,824 for the purchase of said easement as necessary for the design, construction and completion, Project PC-0707, Roadway Widening and Improvements, SW 149th Street from South Pennsylvania Avenue to South Western Avenue, within the arbitrage rule timelines; and authorizing the Oklahoma City Municipal Facilities Authority to administratively accept and deposit said bond funds into the Oklahoma City Municipal Facilities Authority revolving fund for future use on General Obligation Bond Projects as needed. Ward 5.


Grant of Right-of-Way Agreement to Oklahoma Natural Gas, a division of One Gas, Inc., an Oklahoma corporation to provide utilities for Project SRCA-22-00011, Bricktown Truck Yard at Bricktown Entertainment Center, LLC., 240 Centennial Drive. Ward 7.


Acceptance of permanent easement, Project TC-0523, Intersection Improvements, NW 36th Street and North Walker Avenue; and approving payment of claim, $1,275. Ward 2.


Approve a total allocation of Unlisted General Obligation Bond Funds from Proposition 5 of the 2017 General Obligation Bond Authorization in the amount of $1,256,000 for 2017 General Obligation Bond listed Project MP-0414-PH II, Earlywine Golf Course Grill/Restaurant, 11600 South Portland Avenue. Ward 5.


Approve unlisted Project MP-0637, Park Improvements to Dewey Park, 3500 North Lindsay Avenue and a total allocation of Unlisted General Obligation Bond Funds from Proposition 5 of the 2017 General Obligation Bond Authorization in the amount of $1,500,000. Ward 7.


Ordinance to be introduced and set for final hearing on December 3, 2024, establishing 30-minute time-limited on the west side of North Broadway Avenue from West Park Avenue to approximately 96 feet south of the south curb line of West Park Avenue. Ward 6.


Ordinance to be introduced and set for final hearing on December 3, 2024, removing metered parking on the west side of North Broadway Avenue from West Park Avenue to approximately 96 feet south of the south curb line of West Park Avenue. Ward 6.


Ordinance to be introduced and set for final hearing on December 3, 2024, establishing full-time 30-minute time-limited parking on the south side of NW 7th Street from North Western Avenue to North Classen Boulevard. Ward 6.


Ordinance to be introduced and set for final hearing December 3, 2024, establishing 90-degree angle parking within a setback parking area on the south side of NW 7th Street from North Western Avenue to North Classen Boulevard. Ward 6.


Ordinance to be introduced and set for final hearing December 3, 2024, establishing reserved parking for the physically disabled on the south side of NW 7th Street from approximately 84 feet west to approximately 100 feet west of the west curb line of North Classen Boulevard. Ward 6.


Amendment No. 6 to the Professional Services Agreement with the Oklahoma City Water Utilities Trust and C.H. Guernsey and Company (C149054), consultant services for Tinker Air Force Base Municipalization, decrease of $390,360, retroactive to November 1, 2024 through January 20, 2026.


Amendment No. 17 to the Award/Contract (SP0600-20-C-8331) associated with the United States of America for the municipalization of the water and wastewater systems at Tinker Air Force Base.


Resolution declaring the 2025 Cattlemen’s Congress to be held in Oklahoma City from January 4 through January 16, 2025, as a Quality Event for the purpose of applying for tax incentives available pursuant to Oklahoma's Quality Events Incentives Act; designating Cattlemen’s Congress, Inc. as the certified sponsor authorized to promote and conduct the Quality Event; authorizing the Oklahoma City Convention and Visitors Bureau, a division of the Greater Oklahoma City Chamber of Commerce, to assist The City in making application and to conduct the required economic impact study to support a claim for eligible local support; and further authorizing and directing the transfer of any funds received pursuant to the Oklahoma Quality Events Incentives Act to the Hotel Tax 1/11 Fund to be used as reimbursement for eligible costs and expenses paid.


Joint Resolution with the Oklahoma City Public Property Authority waiving formal competitive bidding, declaring Mobile Communications America, Inc. as a sole source vendor, and approving Amendment No. 2 to Equipment Maintenance and Monitoring Agreement with Mobile Communications America, Inc. (COKC01125), for the purchase and installation of the necessary fiber work, the DC power distribution equipment, and other related system work for the ongoing transfer of the neutrally-hosted, multi-sector distributive antenna system from the Cox Convention Center to the Oklahoma City Convention Center, 100 Mick Cornett Drive, not to exceed $212,510.43, November 19, 2024 through November 18, 2025 or until the work is complete.


Ordinance be introduced and set for final hearing December 3, 2024, amending Ordinance No. 26,310, the Amended and Restated Northeast Renaissance Redevelopment Project Plan 2019, pursuant to the Oklahoma Local Development Act (62 O.S. §850, et seq.); amending Sections I, II, III, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, by enlarging the Project Area to include two non-contiguous sites including an area bounded by North Martin Luther King Boulevard, North Wilshire Boulevard, North Bryant Avenue, NE 50th Street, and NE Grand Boulevard and the corner of North Post Road and NE 41st Street; establishing two additional Increment Districts – Increment Districts D and E, City of Oklahoma City; establishing budgets for Increment Districts D and E; expanding the Project Plan Objectives to include encouraging development of destination retail and entertainment venues in Oklahoma City’s Adventure District; modifying the estimated financial impacts of the increment districts; delegating authority to the Oklahoma City Economic Development Trust to make minor amendments to the Project Plan; amending exhibits; adopting the Amended and Restated Northeast Renaissance Redevelopment Project Plan 2024; and establishing a date for the creation of Increment District D as Increment District No. 18, City of Oklahoma City; and declaring an emergency. Ward 7.


Joint Resolution with the Oklahoma City Economic Development Trust be introduced and set for final hearing December 3, 2024, approving an Allocation not to exceed $1,500,000 Increment District No. D’s Retail/Commercial Development budget category of the Northeast Renaissance Redevelopment Project Plan to pay back to the Developer 100% of the Real Property Ad Valorem taxes paid each year by the Developer and received by the Oklahoma City Economic Development Trust, after a certificate of completion is issued by the Oklahoma City Economic Development Trust project manager, and for a period not to exceed seven years or until the expiration of TIF D, whichever occurs first, to close a gap in financing costs for the Boomtown Adventure District Project which meets the objectives of the Project Plan, with all actions contingent upon approval of a future amendment to the Project Plan, and which Project consists of construction of indoor and outdoor volleyball facilities and other entertainment and retail venues with a total cost of at least $10,000,000 in total capital investment by the Developer, Martin Luther King Boulevard and NE 63rd Street . Ward 7.


Public Official Bond for Mitchel Trent Massie as Assistant City Treasurer.


Joint Resolution with the Oklahoma City Municipal Facilities Authority authorizing the Director of Risk Management and the Trust’s legal counsel to enter into a Joint Petition Settlement of the Workers' Compensation Commission Claim No. CM3-2021-00970H styled: James Deering, Claimant vs. The City of Oklahoma City, Respondent, an Own Risk Carrier, and further authorizing the Municipal Counselor to assist said counsel in the rendition of said Joint Petition Settlement to Judgment as authorized by 85 O.S. §346, 62 O.S. §§365.1 et seq. and Article 10, Section 28 of the Oklahoma Constitution.


Joint Resolution with the Oklahoma City Municipal Facilities Authority authorizing the Director of Risk Management and the Trust’s legal counsel to enter into a Joint Petition Settlement of the Workers' Compensation Commission Claim No. CM3-2021-00973X styled: James Deering, Claimant vs. The City of Oklahoma City, Respondent, an Own Risk Carrier, and further authorizing the Municipal Counselor to assist said counsel in the rendition of said Joint Petition Settlement to Judgment as authorized by 85 O.S. §346, 62 O.S. §§365.1 et seq. and Article 10, Section 28 of the Oklahoma Constitution.


Joint Resolution with the Oklahoma City Municipal Facilities Authority authorizing the Director of Risk Management and the Trust’s legal counsel not to appeal and to comply with the Order of the Workers' Compensation Commission Claim No. CM3-2023-06559F, styled: Jeffrey Owen, Claimant vs. The City of Oklahoma City, Respondent, an Own Risk Carrier, and authorizing the Municipal Counselor to assist said counsel in the rendition of the Order to Judgment as authorized by 85 O.S. §346, 62 O.S. §§365.1 et seq. and Article 10, Section 28 of the Oklahoma Constitution.


Joint Resolution with the Oklahoma City Municipal Facilities Authority directing the Director of Risk Management and the Trust’s legal counsel not to appeal the Order of the Workers' Compensation Commission Claim No. CM3-2024-02144J, styled: Samuel Redenius, Claimant vs. The City of Oklahoma City, Respondent, an Own Risk Carrier, and authorizing payment to the Claimant of permanent partial disability benefits, attorney fees, less an assessment for the Multiple Injury Trust Fund; authorizing payment of costs and fees for the Respondent.


Joint Resolution with the Oklahoma City Municipal Facilities Authority directing the Director of Risk Management and the Trust’s legal counsel not to appeal the Order of the Workers' Compensation Commission Claim No. CM3-2024-01126R, styled: Daniel Stamey, Claimant vs. The City of Oklahoma City, Respondent, an Own Risk Carrier, and authorizing payment to the Claimant of permanent partial disability benefits, attorney fees, less an assessment for the Multiple Injury Trust Fund; authorizing payment of costs and fees for the Respondent.


Real Estate Donation Agreement with Echo Soccer, LLC, Project M4-VM010, MAPS 4 Multipurpose Stadium, vicinity of South Shields Boulevard and SE 3rd Street. Ward 7.


Final Plans and Specifications to be advertised for bids, Project M4-NA010, MAPS 4 Animal Shelter, 2811 SE 29th Street. Ward 4.


Resolution approving Addendum No. 1, Project M4-DDC10, MAPS 4 Innovation District Connectivity Phase 1; extending time to award contract and awarding contract to Rudy Construction Company, vicinity of NE 8th Street and North Lincoln Boulevard and vicinity of North Lottie Avenue between NE 8th Street and NE 15th Street, $3,499,704.50; and approving contract and bonds. Ward 7.


Ratifying and approving Addenda Nos. 1 and 2; awarding contract to RCC Traffic, LLC, Project M4-TK011, MAPS 4 Bike Lanes Phase 1B, North Classen Boulevard between NW Grand Boulevard and North Britton Road and NE 16th Street between North Walnut Avenue and Bryant Avenue, $3,399,817.50; and approving contract and bonds. Wards 2 and 7.


Change Order No. 1, Project M4-DDC42, MAPS 4 Henrietta B. Foster Center Selective Demolition, 614 NE 4th Street, $16,190; and accepting the project. Ward 7.


Change Order No. 2, Project M4-TS010, MAPS 4 Sidewalks and Related Amenities, Phase 1A (seven locations), increase of $22,850. Wards 2, 7 and 8.


Change Order No. 2, Project M4-VA027, MAPS 4 Downtown Arena Building Upgrades, 100 West Reno Avenue, increase of $8,978.05. Ward 7.


Change Order No. 14, Projects M3-F003/M4-VF001, MAPS 4 Fairgrounds Coliseum, 333 Gordon Cooper Boulevard, increase of $103,937. Ward 6.


Change Order No. 2 and Amendment No. 2, Project M3-T007, MAPS 3 Katy Trail Connections, vicinity of NE 10th Street between NE Grand Boulevard and Windemere Avenue, and vicinity of NE 23rd Street between NE Grand Boulevard and Miramar Boulevard; and Project M3-T008, MAPS 3 Air Depot Trail, Air Depot Boulevard between SE 59th Street and I-240, decrease of $27,160. Wards 4 and 7.


Amendment No. 2, Project M4-NPR11, MAPS 4 Park Enhancements, Public Spaces Transformation River, Phase 1, Pedestrian Bridge, vicinity of First Americans Boulevard and I-40, increase of $195,505. Ward 7.


Amendment No. 2 to Contract for Architectural Services with Populous, Inc., Project M3-F003/M4-VF001, MAPS 4 Fairgrounds Coliseum, 333 Gordon Cooper Boulevard, increase of $648,250. Ward 6.


Amendment No. 1 to Contract for Engineering Services with TEIM Design, PLLC, Project M3-T007, MAPS 3 Katy Trail Connections, vicinity of NE 10th Street between NE Grand Boulevard and Windemere Avenue and vicinity of NE 23rd Street and southbound I-35 Service Road; and Project M3-T008, MAPS 3 Air Depot Trail, Air Depot Boulevard between SE 59th Street and I-240; fee increase of $10,000. Wards 4 and 7.


Basketball Court Refurbishment Agreement with Splashproject – Stronger Together, refurbishing and/or resurfacing of an outdoor basketball court in Memorial Park, 1152 NW 36th Street, estimated cost of $27,000. Ward 2.


Grant of permanent easement to Oklahoma Gas and Electric Company to provide electrical service to a flow-meter station at Twin Creek, South Western Avenue and Hangar Drive, bordering the Wheeler District. Ward 6.


Acceptance of permanent easement from OPERATIONREADYMIX, LLC, regarding Oklahoma County District Court Case Dolese Bros. Co. v. The City of Oklahoma City, et al., No. CV-2024-757, NW 14th Street and North Broadway Avenue. Ward 6.


Resolution authorizing the Municipal Counselor to waive service of process and to confess judgment without admission of liability in the amount of $1,023.64 and all the costs of the action in the Oklahoma County District Court in the claim filed by Donald Brasee. Ward 6.


Resolution authorizing the Municipal Counselor to waive service of process and to confess judgment without admission of liability in the amount of $1,703.04 and all the costs of the action in the Oklahoma County District Court in the claim filed by Don Neal. 


Resolution authorizing the Municipal Counselor to waive service of process and to confess judgment without admission of liability in the amount of $5,644.98 and all the costs of the action in the Oklahoma County District Court in the claim filed by Ernesto Ocampo Sierra. Ward 4.


Concurrence Docket


Concurrence with the Oklahoma City Water Utilities Trust in approving Contract for Engineering Services with MacArthur Associated Consultants, LLC, Project TS-0012, Tinker Sewer Mains and Lift Station Elimination, East Area, Phase I, fee of $312,350. Ward 4.


Concurrence with the Oklahoma City Water Utilities Trust in ratifying and approving Addendum No. 1; awarding a contract to Urban Contractors, LLC, Project SC-1115, Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation (four locations), $745,745; approving the contract and bonds. Wards 4, 5 and 6.


Concurrence with the Oklahoma City Water Utilities Trust in ratifying and approving the price adjustment for the purchase of sole source services from KorTerra, Inc. (OCWUT00014), to provide enhanced excavation notification services, estimated annual cost $75,000, retroactive to May 26, 2024 through May 25, 2027.


Concurrence with the Oklahoma City Water Utilities Trust in approving Amendment No. 1 to the Contract for Engineering Services with Olsson, Inc. formerly Olsson Associates, Inc., Project WC-0873, Atoka Pipeline Raw Water Transmission Line, Stonewall Pump Station to Ada Pump Station, fee increase of $425,050.


Concurrence with the Oklahoma City Water Utilities Trust in approving Amendment No. 1 to the Contract for Engineering Services with C.H. Guernsey & Company, Project WC-0877, Atoka Pipeline Raw Water Transmission Line, Konawa to west of Highway 3 (east/west County Road 133/Benchmark 113), fee increase of $986,035.


Concurrence with the Oklahoma City Water Utilities Trust in approving Assignment and Amendment No. 1 to the Contract for Engineering Services with Johnson & Associates, Inc. and Johnson and Associates, LLC, Project WC-0876, Atoka Pipeline Raw Water Transmission Line, Canadian River to Konawa, fee increase of $1,425,940.


Concurrence with the Oklahoma City Water Utilities Trust in approving Amendment No. 5 to the Contract for Engineering Services with Tetra Tech, Inc., Project WC-0930, Water Transmission Main and Booster Station No. 9 Improvements for Draper-Hefner System Interconnection, 7628 West Reno Avenue, fee increase of $30,873. Wards 1 and 3.


Concurrence with the Oklahoma City Water Utilities Trust in approving Amendment No. 6 to the Contract for Engineering Services with C.H. Guernsey & Company, Project WC-0853, 48-inch Water Transmission Main, Booster Station No. 9, 7626 West Reno Avenue to Booster Station No. 28, 501 North Council Road, fee increase of $30,684. Wards 1 and 3.


Concurrence with the Oklahoma City Water Utilities Trust in approving Amendment No. 1 and Change Order No. 1 with 4M Trenching, LLC, Project SC-1106, Sanitary Sewer Replacement, NW Expressway and North Mustang Road, increase of $23,220. Ward 1.


Concurrence with the Oklahoma City Water Utilities Trust in accepting Oklahoma Gas and Electric Company, Utility Relocation GM-TAC Substation 8686-D, Tinker Air Force Base; approving and placing the maintenance bond into effect retroactive to July 18, 2024. Ward 4.


Concurrence with the Oklahoma City Water Utilities Trust in receiving Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality Permit to Construct, Project SC-1107, Sanitary Sewer Improvements, NW 26th Street from Ann Arbor Avenue to Meridian Avenue. Ward 2.


Concurrence with the Oklahoma City Water Utilities Trust in adopting a Resolution ratifying the actions of the General Manager in declaring an emergency; waiving competitive bidding; issuing Emergency Purchase Order No. 08232024SMK01; approving an emergency contract with Spectrum Biotechnologies, LLC for sludge removal (OCWUT00070); and authorizing payments for services and equipment until the emergency is resolved, estimated cost $3,000,000.


Concurrence with the Oklahoma City Water Utilities Trust in adopting a Resolution authorizing the General Manager or designee(s) to accept and execute American Rescue Plan Act grant agreement from the Oklahoma Water Resources Board in an amount not to exceed $2,083,434 for Deer Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant Odor Management; authorizing the General Manager or Designee(s) to administer necessary accounts for grant expenditures, deposits, and reimbursements; authorizing the General Manager or Designee(s) to provide required reports to administer the grant; and authorizing the General Manager or Designee(s) to execute any documents associated with the establishing grant agreement.


Concurrence with the Oklahoma City Water Utilities Trust in adopting a Resolution authorizing the General Manager or Designee to accept and execute American Rescue Plan Act grant agreement from the Oklahoma Water Resources Board, in an amount not to exceed $1,000,000 for Overholser Dam Spillway Project; authorizing the General Manager or Designee to administer necessary accounts for grant expenditures, deposits, and reimbursements; authorizing the General Manager or Designee to provide required reports to administer the grant; and authorizing the General Manager or Designee to execute any documents associated with establishing the grant agreement.


Concurrence with the Oklahoma City Water Utilities Trust in adopting a Resolution authorizing the General Manager or Designee to execute American Rescue Plan Act grant agreement from the Oklahoma Water Resources Board in an amount not to exceed $2,000,000 for North Canadian Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvements; authorizing the General Manager or Designee to administer necessary accounts for grant expenditures, deposits, and reimbursements; authorizing the General Manager or Designee to provide required reports to administer the grant; and authorizing the General Manager or Designee to execute any documents associated with establishing the grant agreement.


Concurrence with the Oklahoma City Water Utilities Trust in adopting a Resolution agreeing to file an application with the Oklahoma Water Resources Board for financial assistance through the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund Loan Program for the purpose of financing the Identification, Planning, and Design of Lead Service Line Replacement Project; and containing other provisions related thereto, not to exceed $2.5 million; and approving the Scope of Services Agreement for Bond Counsel Services.


Concurrence with the Oklahoma City Public Property Authority in approving Amendment No. 2 to Neutrally Hosted, Multi-Sector Distributed Antenna System Access Permit and License Agreement with Cellco Partnership d/b/a Verizon Wireless, documenting the transfer of the Distributed Antenna System headend, currently located in the Cox Convention Center, to the Oklahoma City Convention Center and permitting connection to such Distributed Antenna System, thereby providing enhanced wireless cellular service to the Paycom Center, 100 Mick Cornett Drive. Ward 7.


Items for Individual Consideration


Ordinance on final hearing (emergency) recommended for approval (five affirmative votes required for approval) (PC-10946) rezoning 1416 East Reno Avenue from R-1 Single-Family Residential District to I-3 Heavy Industrial District. Ward 7.
Deferred from November 5, 2024.


Ordinance on final hearing (emergency) recommended for approval (five affirmative votes required for approval) (PC-10947) rezoning 11701 North Sara Road from PUD-789 Planned Unit Development District to R-2 Medium-Low Density Residential District. Ward 1.


Ordinance on final hearing (emergency) recommended for approval (five affirmative votes required for approval) (PUD-2006) rezoning 8901 South Anderson Road from AA Agricultural and AE-2 Airport Environs Zone Two Overlay Districts to PUD-2006 Planned Unit Development and AE-2 Airport Environs Zone Two Overlay Districts. Ward 4.
Planning Commission recommended approval subject to the Summary of Technical Evaluation.
Deferred from September 24, October 22, and November 5, 2024.


Ordinance on final hearing (emergency) recommended for approval (five affirmative votes required for approval) (PUD-2016) rezoning 5900 Wildewood Drive from PUD-1842 Planned Unit Development District to PUD-2016 Planned Unit Development District. Ward 7.
Planning Commission recommended approval subject to the Summary of Technical Evaluation.


1. Amendment to the Master Design Statement modifying Section 9.17 to reference Exhibit B for building orientation.
2. Ordinance on final hearing (emergency) recommended for approval (seven affirmative votes required for approval) (PUD-2026) rezoning 2124 NW 192nd Street from R-1 Single-Family Residential and PUD-1205 Planned Unit Development Districts to PUD-2026 Planned Unit Development District. Ward 8.
Planning Commission recommended approval subject to the Summary of Technical Evaluation.
57.78% Protest
Deferred from November 5, 2024. 


Ordinance on final hearing (emergency) recommended for approval (five affirmative votes required for approval) (PUD-2031) rezoning 1328 East Hefner Road from R-1 Single-Family Residential District to PUD-2031 Planned Unit Development District. Ward 7.
Planning Commission recommended approval subject to the Summary of Technical Evaluation.
Request deferral to December 17, 2024.


1. Amendment to the Master Design Statement modifying Section I.5. regarding building setback lines for multifamily structures, and Section I.6. regarding sight-proof screening.
2. Ordinance on final hearing (emergency) recommended for approval (seven affirmative votes required for approval) (SPUD-1651) rezoning 4235 NE 122nd Street from SPUD-1293 Simplified Planned Unit Development District to SPUD-1651 Simplified Planned Unit Development District. Ward 7.
Planning Commission recommended approval subject to the Summary of Technical Evaluation.
56.02% Protest


Ordinance on final hearing (emergency) recommended for approval (five affirmative votes required for approval) (SPUD-1662) rezoning 2416 North Western Avenue from NC Neighborhood Conservation, UD Urban Design Overlay, and TT Twenty-Third Street Uptown Corridor Overlay Districts to SPUD-1662 Simplified Planned Unit Development and UD Urban Design Overlay Districts. Ward 2.


Ordinance on final hearing (emergency) recommended for approval (five affirmative votes required for approval) (SPUD-1663) rezoning 7900 North MacArthur Boulevard from SPUD-79 Simplified Planned Unit Development District to SPUD-1663 Simplified Planned Unit Development District. Ward 1.
Planning Commission recommended approval subject to the Summary of Technical Evaluation.


Ordinance on final hearing (emergency) recommended for approval (five affirmative votes required for approval) (SPUD-1667) rezoning 1624 North Broadway Avenue from PUD-1915 Planned Unit Development District and DSHA Downtown Scenic Highway Area to SPUD-1667 Simplified Planned Unit Development District and DSHA Downtown Scenic Highway Area. Ward 6.
Planning Commission recommended approval subject to the Summary of Technical Evaluation.
Deferred from November 5, 2024.


Ordinance on final hearing (emergency) recommended for approval (five affirmative votes required for approval) (SPUD-1668) rezoning 6901 South Main Street from AA Agricultural District to SPUD-1668 Simplified Planned Unit Development District. Ward 3.


Ordinance on final hearing relating to Personnel and Retirement Systems, amending Chapter 40 of the Oklahoma City Municipal Code, 2020, Article III – Pensions and Retirement, Division 1 – Employee Retirement Programs, Part A – Introduction and Definitions, by amending Section 40-51 – Definitions, to (1) Better differentiate between the Money Purchase Plans of The City of Oklahoma City, (2) Clarify who is an employee of The Oklahoma City Employee Retirement System for purposes of receiving benefits as a participant and (3) Make other clarifying changes; amending Part B – General Provisions, by amending Section 40-60 – Retirement Systems participation, to reference other systems; by amending Section 40-61 - Employees eligible to withdraw from system, to expand which classes of employees may elect to withdraw from the Oklahoma City Employee Retirement System; by amending Section 40-62 – Payment of City appropriations into funds, to reflect the definition changes in Section 40-51; by amending Section 40-65 - Retirement Benefits to Employees generally, to clarify the maximum annual retirement benefit; by amending Section 40-83 – Reemployment of a Retired Participant, to correct a typographical error; and amending Division 2 – Deferred Compensation Program, by amending Section 40-132 – Employee participation, to allow employees of the Central Oklahoma Transportation and Parking Authority to participate in the 457 plan and one of the Money Purchase Plans sponsored by The City solely for matching purposes.


Ordinance to be introduced, set for public hearing December 3, 2024 and final hearing December 17, 2024, relating to Businesses, amending Chapter 13 of the Oklahoma City Municipal Code, 2020, by amending Article XIII – Home Sharing, Division 1 – Generally, by amending Section 13-500 – Definitions; and Division 2 – License, Sections 13-510 – License required; restrictions on issuance, Section 13-511 – Application required and 13-514 – Suspension, revocation, denial; and by enacting Sections 13-516 – Occupancy limits for home sharing accommodations and 13-517 – Covenants, deed restrictions, overlay requirements; and providing for an effective date.


Ordinance to be introduced, set for public hearing December 3, 2024 and final hearing December 17, 2024, relating to Zoning and Planning Code, amending Chapter 59 of the Oklahoma City Municipal Code, 2020, amending Article IV – Administrative Procedures, by amending Section 59-4250 – Discretionary review procedures, relating to Special Exception Uses, by clarifying entitled parties and revocation process; amending Article VI – Zoning Base Districts, by amending Section 6100.1 (Table) Agricultural and Residential Districts Use Regulations, to rename home sharing use unit; and by amending Section 7300.1 (Table) Neighborhood Conservation Districts Use Regulations, to rename home sharing use unit; and amending Article IX – Use Standards, by amending Section 59-9350 – Standards for specific uses, relating to Lodging Accommodations: Home Sharing; and providing for an effective date.


1. Ordinance to be introduced, set for public hearing December 3, 2024 and final hearing December 17, 2024, relating to the General Schedule of Fees, amending Chapter 60 of the Oklahoma City Municipal Code, 2020, Title 38 – Parks, Recreation, Cultural Affairs, etc., by repealing Article IV – General Park Regulations, in its entirety; and enacting a new Article IV - General Park Regulations, relating to fees for park event permits and reservations; and repealing Article VIII – City-Owned Parks Leased, Developed, or Operated by a Public Trust, in its entirety; and amending Article X – North Canadian River Corridor Recreation Area, Division 2 – Regulations in General, by amending Section 60-38-61 – Permit fees; and providing for an effective date; and
2. Resolution to be introduced, set for public hearing December 3, 2024 and final consideration December 17, 2024, establishing rental and admission fees for park facilities and amenities which are located in public parks operated by the Parks and Recreation Department.


1. Public hearing regarding dilapidated structures:
    a. 7915 Debar Circle (house) Ward 1 
    b. 9929 North Shartel Avenue (house) Ward 7
    c. 4201 North Youngs Boulevard aka 4221 North Youngs Boulevard
        (apartment building 4221) Ward 2
2. Resolution declaring structures are dilapidated: directing said structures to be torn down, establishing dates of November 20, 2024 and December 20, 2024 for commencement and completion of removal by owners.


1. Public hearing regarding unsecured structures:
    a. 2610 North Classen Boulevard (commercial building) Ward 2
    b. 434 West Main Street (commercial building) Ward 6
    c. 4305 South Miller Avenue aka 4309 South Miller Avenue (house 4309)
        Ward 6
    d. 3504 North Pennsylvania Avenue (house) Ward 2
    e. 2616 Renwick Avenue (house and pool) Ward 3
    f. 6324 South Western Avenue (commercial building) Ward 4
    g. 11925 SW 17th Street (house) Ward 3
    h. 2101 NW 26th Street (detached garage) Ward 2
    i. 1626 SE 40th Street (shed and south commercial building and west
        commercial building) Ward 4
    j. 2513 SE 45th Street (house) Ward 4
    k. 4800 SE 45th Street (house) Ward 4
    l. 240 SE 55th Street (house and shed) Ward 4
    m. 2744 NW 57th Street (house) Ward 2
    n. 7420 NW 101st Street (house and shed) Ward 1
    o. 2229 NW 114th Street (detached garage and house) Ward 7
2. Resolution declaring structures are unsecured.


1. Public hearing regarding abandoned buildings:
    a. 2610 North Classen Boulevard (commercial building) Ward 2
    b. 7915 Debar Circle (house) Ward 1
    c. 434 West Main Street (commercial building) Ward 6
    d. 2616 Renwick Avenue (house) Ward 3
    e. 9929 North Shartel Avenue (house) Ward 7
    f. 6324 South Western Avenue (commercial building) Ward 4
    g. 4201 North Youngs Boulevard aka 4221 North Youngs Boulevard
        (apartment building 4221) Ward 2
    h. 11925 SW 17th Street (house) Ward 3
    i. 1626 SE 40th Street (south commercial building and west commercial
        building) Ward 4
    j. 2513 SE 45th Street (house) Ward 4
    k. 4800 SE 45th Street (house) Ward 4
    l. 240 SE 55th Street (house) Ward 4
    m. 2744 NW 57th Street (house) Ward 2
    n. 2229 NW 114th Street (detached garage and house) Ward 7
2. Resolution declaring buildings are abandoned.


Resolution providing for the approval and adoption of both the amended and restated Money Purchase Plan and Trust, Open Plan (formerly, Money Purchase Plan and Trust #7697)(“Open Plan”), and the amended and restated Money Purchase Plan and Trust, Closed Plan (formerly, Money Purchase Plan and Trust #8751)(“Closed Plan”), effective December 18, 2024; declaring that mandatory employee contributions of the employees of The City of Oklahoma City (Employer) to the Open Plan, the Closed Plan, and the Oklahoma City Employee Retirement System (the “System”), (Collectively, the “Plan”) are intended to be “picked-up” as employer contributions pursuant to Internal Revenue Code; declaring that all future mandatory employee contributions although designated as employee contributions will be paid by the employer in lieu of contributions by the employee; declaring that employees shall not be permitted to opt out of the “pick-up” or to receive the contributed amounts directly instead of having them paid by the Employer to the Plan; declaring that if the resolutions do not meet the requirements of the Internal Revenue Code or Revenue Ruling 2006-43, or final income tax regulations or other guidance from the Internal Revenue Service or the Department of Treasury provide for additional requirements in order to fulfill the requirements of the Internal Revenue Code or Revenue Ruling 2006-43 the resolutions shall be deemed modified to the extent necessary to meet such requirements; declaring the Employer has taken formal action to continue to effectuate the “pick-up” in accordance with Revenue Ruling 2006-43; providing for the approval and adoption of the amended and restated 457(b) Deferred Compensation Plan and Trust, previously administered by MissionSquare, to be named The Oklahoma City 457 Deferred Compensation Plan and Trust (“OKC 457 Plan”) effective December 18, 2024, and simultaneously providing for the approval of the merger and transfer of the 457(b) plan administered by Nationwide into OKC 457 Plan (and which, together with Open Plan and Closed Plan, are collectively the “Retirement Plans”); authorizing and directing the Mayor and/or City Manager of The City or their designee to: (1) Approve, adopt, and execute the retirement plans and any other related documents, (2) Take any action required with respect to implementation and transfer to Voya, (3) Take any action necessary, legal and proper with respect to the retirement plans, including the related Trust Agreements, Custodial Agreements, and/or Funding Vehicles (“Trust Documents”) and (4) Make any amendments necessary to maintain or qualify each of the retirement plans and trust documents under the applicable sections of the code, and other applicable law; ratifying all acts and things necessary, legal, and proper in connection with the retirement plans and the related trust documents previously taken by the Mayor and/or City Manager of The City.


Resolution authorizing the Municipal Counselor to confess judgment without an admission of liability in the case of Kimberly Thompson and Juanita Hill, as Co-Administrators of the Estate of Bennie Joe Edwards, Deceased v. Sergeant Keith Duroy, Sergeant Clifford Holman, and the City of Oklahoma City, in the United States District Court for the Western District of Oklahoma Case No. CIV-2021-1133-JD;


Enter into executive session on advice of the Municipal Counselor to receive confidential communications from its attorney regarding the above case as authorized by 25 O.S. (2024 Supp.) §307(B)(4), because disclosure would seriously impair the ability of the public body to process the claim or conduct a pending investigation, litigation, or proceeding in the public interest.


Resolution authorizing the Municipal Counselor to confess judgment without admission of liability in the case of Alyssa N. Reece v. City of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma County District Court, Case No. CJ-2023-1091;


Enter into executive session on advice of the Municipal Counselor to receive confidential communications from its attorney regarding the above pending litigation as authorized by 25 O.S. (2024 Supp.) §307(B)(4), because disclosure would seriously impair the ability of the public body to conduct the litigation in the public interest.


Resolution authorizing the Municipal Counselor to confess judgment without admission of liability in the case of Dillon Reeder, Individually, and TKJ Classen Group, LLC v. The City of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma County District Court, Case No. CJ-2024-1620;


Enter into executive session on advice of the Municipal Counselor to receive confidential communications from its attorney regarding the above pending litigation as authorized by 25 O.S. (2024 Supp.) §307(B)(4), because disclosure would seriously impair the ability of the public body to conduct the litigation in the public interest.


Resolution authorizing and directing the Municipal Counselor to negotiate a legal service contract for the purpose of litigating, at no cost to taxpayers, to recover overcharges for insulin;


Enter into executive session on advice of the Municipal Counselor, as authorized by 25 O.S. (2024 Supp.) §307(B)(4), to receive confidential communications from its attorney concerning potential participation in litigation addressing overcharges for insulin prescribed to City employees, dependents and retirees, because disclosure of the communications would seriously impair the ability of the public body to conduct such potential litigation in the public interest.


1. Claims recommended for approval:
    a. David Bohanon $180 (Ward 2)
    b. James Lovelace $393.98 (Ward 5)
    c. Anne Murphy $160 (Ward 6)
    d. Miguel Rivas $331.72 (Ward 3)
    e. Douglas Traywick $270.15 (Ward 6)
2. Enter into executive session on advice of the Municipal Counselor to receive confidential communications from its attorney concerning the above claims as authorized by 25 O.S. (2024 Supp.) §307 (B)(4), because disclosure would seriously impair the ability of the public body to deal with the pending claims in the public interest.


Comments from Council


Citizens to be Heard

