The City of
  City Council
  8:30 AM May 21, 2024
  David Holt, Mayor
  Council Members:
  Bradley Carter....................Ward 1
  James Cooper.....................Ward 2
  Barbara Peck......................Ward 3
  Todd Stone..........................Ward 4
  Matt Hinkle........................Ward 5
  JoBeth Hamon....................Ward 6
  Nikki Nice...........................Ward 7
  Mark K. Stonecipher..........Ward 8
  Craig Freeman, City Manager
  Amy K. Simpson, City Clerk
  Kenneth Jordan, Municipal Counselor
200 N. Walker • 3rd Floor • Council Chamber
The City Council meets every other Tuesday at 8:30 a.m. in City Hall unless prior notice of a change is posted. Free parking is available at the Sheridan­-Walker Parking Garage (501 West Sheridan). Parking tickets must be validated in the Mayor's/City Manager's reception area.
It is the policy of the City to ensure that communications with participants and members of the public with disabilities are as effective as communications with others. Anyone with a disability who requires an accommodation, a modification of policies or procedures, or an auxiliary aid or service in order to participate in this meeting should contact the ADA department coordinator at 297-­2396 as soon as possible but not later than 48 hours (not including weekends or holidays) before the scheduled meeting. The department will give primary consideration to the choice of auxiliary aid or service requested by the individual with disability. If you need an alternate format of the agenda or any information provided at said meeting, please contact the ADA department coordinator listed above 48 hours prior to the scheduled meeting.
Addressing the Council
Citizens may address the Council on certain items by signing up to speak and providing the agenda item number, their reason for appearing and their address, but all comments must be relevant to the item. The Mayor or presiding officer may in his or her discretion prohibit a person from addressing the Council, or have any person removed from the Council Chamber, if that person commits any disorderly or disruptive behavior.  Disorderly conduct includes, but is not limited to, any of the following: speaking without being recognized by the Mayor or presiding officer; continuing to speak after notice that the speaker’s allotted time has expired; presenting comments or material not relevant to the item under discussion; failing to comply with the lawful instructions of the Mayor or presiding officer; engaging in other conduct, activity or speech that delays, pursuant to 21 O.S. §280, disruptive conduct includes any conduct that is “violent, threatening, abusive, obscene, or that jeopardizes the safety of self or others”. A person may also be subject to arrest and removal from the Municipal Building for violation of Oklahoma City Municipal Code 2020, § 30-­81 – Disorderly conduct and/or violation of Okla. Stat. tit. 21, §280- Willfully Disturbing, Interfering With or Disrupting State Business, Agency Operations or Employees.

Citizens may not address the Council regarding items from “Office of the Mayor,” “Items from Council” (except for items listed for a vote or if asked for comments by a Councilmember), or items under “City Manager Reports.” Citizens may also address the Council on individual concerns, including on the listed exceptions, at the end of the agenda under “Citizens to be Heard.” Citizens to be Heard is not provided as a forum for publicly announced or declared candidates for City public office, and they will not be allowed to speak as Citizens to be Heard. Citizens will not be allowed to campaign on any political issue during the Council meeting. Comments must concern City services or policies. Please fill out a "Request to be Heard" form located outside the Chambers. Please return this form to the Council Office at the north end of the hall. PLEASE LIMIT YOUR COMMENTS TO 3 MINUTES. Continuing to speak beyond the time allowed by the Mayor or presiding officer shall constitute grounds for removal from the Council Chamber.
Citizens who wish to be listed on the agenda for comments to Council may call the City Clerk's Office at 297­-2397 before 4 p.m. on the Tuesday prior to the next Council meeting. Persons so listed on the agenda for comments to Council are subject to the same restrictions listed above. Persons may use City computer to make presentations to Council only if requested to do so by the Mayor, a Councilmember, or the City Manager and the device containing the presentation is provided to the City Clerk three business days in advance.
Council Actions
Official action can be taken only on items which appear on the agenda. The Council may adopt, approve, ratify, deny, defer, recommend, amend, strike, or continue any agenda item. When more information is needed to act on an item, the Council may refer the matter to the City Manager or the Municipal Counselor. The Council may also refer items to standing committees of the Council or to a board or commission for additional study.  Under certain circumstances, items are deferred to a specific later date or stricken from the agenda entirely.
Consent Docket
Items listed under "Consent Docket" are usually approved as a group with the proper motion from a member of Council. Members of Council may request discussion or separate action on any item on the Consent Docket.
Television and YouTube Coverage
Residents can watch the City Council meeting live by going to City Council meetings can also be watched live on Cox Cable Channel 20. Meetings are replayed on Cox Cable Channel 20 Tuesday evening starting at 6:30 p.m. and 12:30 p.m. Sunday following the meeting. If there are technical difficulties with either live stream during the meeting, a video will be posted as soon as possible after the meeting. 
May 21, 2024

Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance


Call to Order


From the Office of the Mayor


Resolution of Commendation for Anita Rudd on her selection as the May 2024 South Oklahoma City Kiwanis Club Employee of the Month.


Appointment of Pakita "Kitti" Asberry to serve as a member of the Board of Adjustment.


Appointment of Ryan Cross to serve as a member of the MAPS 4 Citizens Advisory Board.


Appointment of Ryan Cross to serve as a member of the MAPS 4 Innovation District Subcommittee.


Items from Council


City Manager Reports


Journal of Council Proceedings


Receive Journal of Council Proceedings for May 7 and 14, 2024.


Approve Journal of Council Proceedings for April 23 and 30, 2024.


Request for Uncontested Continuances



Revocable Permits and Events


Revocable Permit with the Downtown Oklahoma City Partnership for “Downtown Employee Appreciation Day,” June 12, 2024, Kerr Park, 102 Robert S. Kerr Avenue, revenue of $150. Ward 6.


Revocable Permit with the Perry Publishing and Broadcasting Company for the “Juneteenth Art and Music Festival,” June 14-15, 2024, Booker T. Washington Park and Page Stadium, 400 North High Avenue, revenue of $1,970. Ward 7.


Revocable Right-of-Way Use Permit with FMD Association Inc. to hold the “Farmer’s Market District Festival,” June 2, 2024, SW 2nd Street between South Ellison Avenue and South Klein Avenue, revenue of $400. Ward 6.


Revocable Right-of-Way Use Permit with Red Coyote Running & Fitness (Road Runners Club of America sanctioned), to hold the “Red Coyote Juneteenth on the East 5K Run,” June 14, 2024, North Rhode Island Avenue between NE 23rd Street and the southern property line of 1726 NE 23, revenue of $100. Ward 7.


Revocable Right-of-Way Use Permit with With Love OKC, to hold “Juneteenth on the East,” June 15, 2024, NE 23rd Street between North Kelham Avenue and North Missouri Avenue, revenue of $400. Ward 7.




Request for Proposals to be advertised, Outdoor Siren Warning System Maintenance and Repair (RFP-OCMFA-036).


Amendment No. 1 to the Comprehensive Retainer Agreement with The City of Oklahoma City and the Collins Zorn Wagner law firm, for legal defense of City employees, increase not to exceed $200,000, for the period ending June 30, 2024.


Joint Resolution with The City of Oklahoma City authorizing the Director of Risk Management and the Trust’s legal counsel to enter into a Joint Petition Settlement of the Workers' Compensation Commission Claim No. CM3-2023-05924G styled: David Brown, Claimant vs. The City of Oklahoma City, Respondent, an Own Risk Carrier, and further authorizing the Municipal Counselor to assist said counsel in the rendition of said Joint Petition Settlement to Judgment as authorized by 85 O.S. §346, 62 O.S. §§365.1 et seq. and Article 10, Section 28 of the Oklahoma Constitution.


Joint Resolution with the City of Oklahoma City authorizing the Director of Risk Management and the Trust’s legal counsel to enter into a Joint Petition Settlement of the Workers' Compensation Commission Claim No. CM-2020-05015Y styled: Terrance Byars, Claimant vs. The City of Oklahoma City, Respondent, an Own Risk Carrier, and further authorizing the Municipal Counselor to assist said counsel in the rendition of said Joint Petition Settlement to Judgment as authorized by 85 O.S. §346, 62 O.S. §§365.1 et seq. and Article 10, Section 28 of the Oklahoma Constitution.


Joint Resolution with The City of Oklahoma City authorizing the Director of Risk Management and the Trust’s legal counsel to enter into a Joint Petition Settlement of the Workers' Compensation Commission Claim No. CM3-2022-04206T styled: Nickolaus Wooten, Claimant vs. The City of Oklahoma City, Respondent, an Own Risk Carrier, and further authorizing the Municipal Counselor to assist said counsel in the rendition of said Joint Petition Settlement to Judgment as authorized by 85 O.S. §346, 62 O.S. §§365.1 et seq. and Article 10, Section 28 of the Oklahoma Constitution.


Joint Resolution with The City of Oklahoma City authorizing the Director of Risk Management and the Trust’s legal counsel to enter into a Joint Petition Settlement of the Workers' Compensation Commission Claim No. CM3-2023-01329Q styled: Nickolaus Wooten, Claimant vs. The City of Oklahoma City, Respondent, an Own Risk Carrier, and further authorizing the Municipal Counselor to assist said counsel in the rendition of said Joint Petition Settlement to Judgment as authorized by 85 O.S. §346, 62 O.S. §§365.1 et seq. and Article 10, Section 28 of the Oklahoma Constitution.




Development Agreement with The City of Oklahoma City and PBC Sports & Entertainment, LLC, for the construction of the New Arena, generally located between Sheridan Avenue and Reno Avenue and between Robinson Avenue and E. K. Gaylord Boulevard. Ward 7.




Consent Docket


Ratifying and approving Addendum No. 1; and approving Professional Services Agreement with Raftelis Financial Consultants, Inc. (C252942), professional consulting services to conduct an analysis of the private development process, $246,750.


Renewal of pricing agreements, Southern Tire Mart, LLC (R25-C248010), T&W Tire, LLC (R25-C248011), The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company (R25-C248012), tires, tubes, tire parts, supplies and services, estimated cost $250,000, May 27, 2024 through May 26, 2025.


1. Renewal of pricing agreements, GreenShade Trees, LLC (R25-C237023) and Madison Turf Farms (R25-C237024), grass sod, estimated cost $100,000, July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025; and
2. Resolution authorizing the open market purchase of related items not available on a pricing agreement (COKC00188), estimated cost $50,000, July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025.


1. Pricing agreement awards and approvals, ABC Office, LLC (COKC00196), Admiral Express, LLC (COKC00197), Copelin Contract, LLC (COKC00198), Focus Workplace Furniture + Design (COKC00199), Furniture Marketing Group, Inc. (COKC00200), L&M Office Furniture, LLC (COKC00201), Merrifield Office & School Supply (COKC00202), Office Interiors, LLC (COKC00203), Pinnacle Design Group (COKC00204), Southwestern Stationers, Inc. (COKC00205), Spaces, Inc. (COKC00206) and Staples Contract and Commercial, LLC (COKC00207), furniture for City facilities, estimated cost $1,500,000, May 29, 2024 through May 28, 2025; and
2. Resolution authorizing the open market purchase of no bid items and related items and services not available on a pricing agreement (COKC00208), estimated cost $50,000, May 29, 2024 through May 28, 2025.


Resolution authorizing the sole source purchase of hardware, software maintenance, licenses, training, update services, and application support for the Axon Evidence Data Management System, Axon Enterprises, Inc. (COKC00026), estimated cost $300,000, June 7, 2024 through June 6, 2025.


Resolution authorizing the sole source purchase of two annual licenses for GrayKey units, Magnet Forensics (COKC00027), $133,085, retroactive to May 1, 2024 through April 30, 2025; and approving End User License Agreement.


Resolution waiving formal competitive bidding and authorizing the open market purchase of Jet-A aviation fuel, related jet fuel system repair parts, fuel quality analysis testing supplies and services (COKC00079), estimated cost $200,000, July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025.


Resolution waiving formal competitive bidding and authorizing the open market purchase of signs, decals, banners and graphics (COKC00180), estimated cost $125,000, July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025.


Resolution waiving formal competitive bidding and authorizing the open market purchase of skilled labor trades (COKC00182), estimated cost $300,000, July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025.


Resolution waiving formal competitive bidding and authorizing the open market purchase or rental of storage buildings, containers and services (COKC00183), estimated cost $60,000, July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025.


Resolution waiving formal competitive bidding and authorizing the open market purchase of various metal products (COKC00184), estimated cost $100,000, July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025.


Resolution authorizing the purchase of office supplies through OMNIA Partners contract (COKC00099), estimated cost $300,000, June 1, 2024 through May 31, 2025.


Request for Proposals to be advertised, Employee Engagement Survey Consultation Services (RFP-OCITY-166).


Request for Proposals to be advertised, Bond Election and Education Campaign (RFP25306).


Agreement for Zoning Inspection Services with the Capitol-Medical Center Improvement and Zoning Commission to enforce zoning regulations, area bounded by NE 8th Street, Lottie Avenue, I-235, and NE 30th Street, revenue of $12,000, July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025. Ward 7.


Ordinance to be introduced and set for final hearing June 18, 2024 (PUD-1995) rezoning 19619 Thomas Drive from R-1 Single-Family Residential District to PUD-1995 Planned Unit Development District. Ward 8.


Ordinance to be introduced and set for final hearing June 18, 2024 (PUD-2002) rezoning 1103 Life Style Drive from PUD-20A Planned Unit Development and PUD-20B Planned Unit Development Districts to PUD-2002 Planned Unit Development District. Ward 1.


Ordinance to be introduced and set for final hearing June 18, 2024 (PUD-2005) rezoning 10627 SW 29th Street from AA Agricultural District to PUD-2005 Planned Unit Development District. Ward 3.


Ordinance to be introduced and set for final hearing June 18, 2024 (PUD-2007) rezoning 340 Eckroat Street from I-1 Light Industrial, I-2 Moderate Industrial, AE-1 Airport Environs Zone One and AE-2 Airport Environs Zone Two Overlay Districts to PUD-2007 Planned Unit Development, AE-1 Airport Environs Zone One and AE-2 Airport Environs Zone Two Overlay Districts. Ward 7.


Ordinance to be introduced and set for final hearing June 18, 2024 (SPUD-1614) rezoning 15901 North Rockwell Avenue from AA Agricultural District to SPUD-1614 Simplified Planned Unit Development District. Ward 8.


Ordinance to be introduced and set for final hearing June 18, 2024 (SPUD-1618) rezoning 13100 NW 10th Street from AA Agricultural District to SPUD-1618 Simplified Planned Unit Development District. Ward 3.


1. Ordinance to be introduced and set for final hearing July 2, 2024 (CE-1120) closing a portion of the east-west alley within Block 5 of the Iowa Addition, east of South High Avenue and north of SE 15th Street. Ward 7.
2. Resolution establishing a date for enactment of said Ordinance and determining those entitled to notice.


Resolution accepting the dedications contained in the final plat of Nichols Creek Phase 4, west of North County Line Road and south of NW 122nd Street. Ward 1.


Resolution accepting the dedications contained in the final plat of The Enclave at Hefner Crossing Phase 1, south of East Hefner Road and west of North Kelley Avenue. Ward 7.


Public Art Commission Agreement with artist Scott Henderson, for a site-specific work of art for Will Rogers Trail, 3540 NW 56th Street, $50,750. Ward 2.


First Amendment to the Emergency Solutions Grant Program Agreement with Homeless Alliance, Inc., Coordinated Case Management Project, extending the term through June 30, 2025.


First Amendment to the Emergency Solutions Grant Program Agreement with Homeless Alliance, Inc., Re-Entry Project, extending the term through June 30, 2025.


Release of Mortgage, Community Development Block Grant Funds with Metropolitan Better Living Center, Inc., 1407 NE 10th Street. Ward 7.


Resolution ratifying and approving execution of the 2022 Continuum of Care Program Grant Agreements with the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development.


Resolution authorizing submission of an application to the Oklahoma Department of Transportation for use of Transportation Alternatives Program Funds set forth by Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act for the South Oklahoma City Safe Routes to School Project; and authorizing the Planning Director to sign the application. Wards 4 and 6.


Resolution authorizing submission of an application to the Oklahoma Department of Transportation for use of Transportation Alternatives Program funds set forth by Infrastructure and Investment Jobs Act for the West Oklahoma City Safe Routes to School Project; and authorizing the Planning Director to sign the application. Wards 2, 5 and 8.


Resolution in support of a request by the Oklahoma City Housing Authority to sell 23 single-family public housing properties; and authorizing the Mayor to sign letters provided by the Housing Authority acknowledging support of the property transfers. Wards 2, 3, 6 and 7.


Plans and Specifications to be advertised for bids, Project MB-1686, Renovations to Field Services Building No. 2 at the Central Maintenance Facility, 3738 SW 15th Street. Ward 3.


Change Order No. 5 with WL McNatt and Company, Project MB-1517, Almonte Library, 2727 SW 59th Street, increase of $65,914. Ward 6.


Amendment No. 3 and Change Order No. 3 with Wynn Construction Co., Deep Fork Greenway Trail, Project MP-0477 Phases I, III Trailhead, IV, and IIIB, Katy Trail North to the North Grand Boulevard Trail, increase of $471,076.89. Wards 1 and 2.


Final Acceptance, Project PC-0868, Arterial Street Resurfacing, North Western Avenue from NW 50th Street to NW 63rd Street; and placing maintenance bond into effect. Ward 2.


Final Acceptance with Central Oklahoma Transportation and Parking Authority and Oklahoma City Water Utilities Trust, Projects MC-0619, MS-0123, and WC-1029, Northwest Bus Rapid Transit, Transit Center Downtown at North Broadway Avenue and West Main Street, providing service north on North Classen Boulevard to North Meridian Avenue and NW Expressway; and placing maintenance bond into effect. Wards 1, 2 and 6.


Preliminary Report, Project MB-1649, Driving Facility at the Public Safety Training Facility, between I-240 and SE 104th Street, South Air Depot Boulevard and South Midwest Boulevard; and authorizing preparation of final plans and specifications. Ward 4.


Preliminary Report, Project MP-0624, Will Rogers Garden Pavilions Improvements, 3400 NW 36th Street; and authorizing preparation of final plans and specifications. Ward 6.


Preliminary Report, Project MP-0629, Bricktown Canal Lighting Improvements, Lower Bricktown Canal; and authorizing preparation of final plans and specifications. Ward 7.


Preliminary Engineering Report, Project TC-0631, Intersection Improvements, NW 150th Street and Lone Oak Drive; and authorizing preparation of final plans and specifications. Ward 8.


Preliminary Engineering Report, Project TC-0633, Intersection Improvements, North May Avenue and NW 192nd Street; and authorizing preparation of final plans and specifications. Ward 8.


Amendment No. 5 and Assignment of Contract for Architectural Services with Kirkpatrick Architecture Studio to Brandsetter Carroll, Inc., Projects MB-0866, New Fire Station No. 29, MB-1140, Fire Station No. 23 Replacement, MB-1218, Fire Station No. 21 Replacement, and MB-0865, Fire Station No. 38 (four locations). Wards 3, 4 and 7.


Amendment No. 3 to Contract for Engineering and Testing Services with Terracon Consultants, Inc., Project MC-0675-H, Engineering and Testing Services, extending the term from July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2026 or upon completion of the last Project listed, whichever occurs first. Wards 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8.


Amendment No. 4 to Contract for Engineering Services with CEC Corporation, Projects PC-0926, Widening of Post Road from SE 44th Street to SE 74th Street and WC-1023, 60-inch Water Transmission Main Replacement along SE 74th Street from Douglas Boulevard to Post Road; along Post Road from SE 74th Street to SE 44th Street; and along SE 44th Street from Post Road to Douglas Boulevard, fee increase of $87,017. Ward 4.


Acceptance of permanent easements, Project PC-0648, Street Enhancements/Arterial Resurfacing, NW 23rd Street from North Western Avenue to North Broadway Avenue; and approving payment of claims, $547. Wards 2 and 6.


Approve unlisted Project TC-0629, Traffic Striping; and a total allocation of Unlisted, Interest and Surplus General Obligation Bond Funds from Proposition 3 of the 2007 and 2017 General Obligation Bond Authorizations in the amount of $232,400. Wards 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8.


Acceptance of 15 privately constructed water and wastewater main projects and placing the maintenance bonds into effect as of the final completion dates. Wards 1, 2, 3, 6, 7 and 8.


Right of Entry License (AC-26-0026-DR USAF-AFMC-WWYK-23-1-0009) with the Oklahoma City Water Utilities Trust and the United States of America for access to Oklahoma City Water Utilities Trust property for the maintenance and periodic sampling of groundwater monitoring wells, Lake Stanley Draper Reservation, south of SE 59th Street and east of Douglas Boulevard, retroactive to April 15, 2023 through April 14, 2028.


Grant of a permanent easement to the Oklahoma City Water Utilities Trust, Projects SD-2021-00115 and WF-2021-00098, Woodson Park, south of SW 29th Street and west of South May Avenue. Ward 6.


Acceptance of a Special Warranty Deed from The Greenbrier, LLC, Project SB-2021-00001, Oversized Sanitary Sewer Main Extension under Policy B-1 procedures to serve Redstone Ranch offsite, south of Hefner Road and east of Piedmont Road. Ward 1.


Release of a permanent easement and acceptance of a permanent easement, Project SD-2024-00019, Wastewater Improvements, NW 10th Street and Western Avenue. Ward 6.


Partial release of an easement, Project WA-2024-00005, Water Main, SE 44th Street and Eastern Avenue. Ward 4.


Acceptance of seven permanent easements for water and wastewater mains. Wards 2, 4, 7 and 8.


Easement Crossing Conditions from the Bureau of Reclamation, Projects PC-0926, Street Widening Improvements, Post Road from SE 44th Street to SE 74th Street, and WC-1023, 60-inch Water Transmission Main Replacement, along SE 74th Street from Douglas Boulevard to Post Road; along Post Road from SE 74th Street to SE 44th Street; and along SE 44th Street from Post Road to Douglas Boulevard. Ward 4.


Development Agreement with the Oklahoma City Public Property Authority and PBC Sports & Entertainment, LLC, for the construction of the New Arena, generally located between Sheridan Avenue and Reno Avenue and between Robinson Avenue and E. K. Gaylord Boulevard. Ward 7.


Receive the Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Marketing Plan and Budget Request from the Oklahoma City Convention & Visitor’s Bureau, a division of the Greater Oklahoma City Chamber of Commerce, for services in the promotion of conventions, tourism and visitation in Oklahoma City.


Joint Resolution with the Oklahoma City Municipal Facilities Authority authorizing the Director of Risk Management and the Trust’s legal counsel to enter into a Joint Petition Settlement of the Workers' Compensation Commission Claim No. CM3-2023-05924G styled: David Brown, Claimant vs. The City of Oklahoma City, Respondent, an Own Risk Carrier, and further authorizing the Municipal Counselor to assist said counsel in the rendition of said Joint Petition Settlement to Judgment as authorized by 85 O.S. §346, 62 O.S. §§365.1 et seq. and Article 10, Section 28 of the Oklahoma Constitution.


Joint Resolution with the Oklahoma City Municipal Facilities Authority authorizing the Director of Risk Management and the Trust’s legal counsel to enter into a Joint Petition Settlement of the Workers' Compensation Commission Claim No. CM-2020-05015Y styled: Terrance Byars, Claimant vs. The City of Oklahoma City, Respondent, an Own Risk Carrier, and further authorizing the Municipal Counselor to assist said counsel in the rendition of said Joint Petition Settlement to Judgment as authorized by 85 O.S. §346, 62 O.S. §§365.1 et seq. and Article 10, Section 28 of the Oklahoma Constitution.


Joint Resolution with the Oklahoma City Municipal Facilities Authority authorizing the Director of Risk Management and the Trust’s legal counsel to enter into a Joint Petition Settlement of the Workers' Compensation Commission Claim No. CM3-2022-04206T styled: Nickolaus Wooten, Claimant vs. The City of Oklahoma City, Respondent, an Own Risk Carrier, and further authorizing the Municipal Counselor to assist said counsel in the rendition of said Joint Petition Settlement to Judgment as authorized by 85 O.S. §346, 62 O.S. §§365.1 et seq. and Article 10, Section 28 of the Oklahoma Constitution.


Joint Resolution with the Oklahoma City Municipal Facilities Authority authorizing the Director of Risk Management and the Trust’s legal counsel to enter into a Joint Petition Settlement of the Workers' Compensation Commission Claim No. CM3-2023-01329Q styled: Nickolaus Wooten, Claimant vs. The City of Oklahoma City, Respondent, an Own Risk Carrier, and further authorizing the Municipal Counselor to assist said counsel in the rendition of said Joint Petition Settlement to Judgment as authorized by 85 O.S. §346, 62 O.S. §§365.1 et seq. and Article 10, Section 28 of the Oklahoma Constitution.


Membership Agreement with Move United for resources and services related to adaptive athletic programming, $350, July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025.


Amendment No. 1 to the Comprehensive Retainer Agreement with Oklahoma City Municipal Facilities Authority and the Collins Zorn Wagner law firm, for legal defense of City employees, increase not to exceed $200,000, for the period ending June 30, 2024.


Intergovernmental Agreement with the United States Attorney’s Office for the Western District of Oklahoma regarding the appointment of an Assistant Municipal Counselor as a Special Assistant United States Attorney, commencing July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2026, in accordance with the 2023 Department of Justice/Bureau of Justice Assistance Project Safe Neighborhoods Formula grant.


Resolution authorizing the Municipal Counselor to waive service of process and to confess judgment without admission of liability in the amount of $1,100 and all the costs of the action in the Oklahoma County District Court in the claim filed by Cory Brown. Ward 6.


Resolution authorizing the Municipal Counselor to waive service of process and to confess judgment without admission of liability in the amount of $8,000 and all the costs of the action in the Oklahoma County District Court in the claim filed by Jacob Foote. Ward 7.


Resolution authorizing the Municipal Counselor to waive service of process and to confess judgment without admission of liability in the amount of $2,340 and all the costs of the action in the Oklahoma County District Court in the claim filed by Anthony Hadradt. Ward 5.


Resolution authorizing the Municipal Counselor to waive service of process and to confess judgment without admission of liability in the amount of $964.35 and all the costs of the action in the Oklahoma County District Court in the claim filed by Dmitri Sobol. Ward 8.


Amendment No. 8 to Contract for Architectural Services with GSB, Inc., Project MP-0414, Earlywine Golf Course Clubhouse, fee increase of $105,980. Ward 5.


Concurrence Docket


Concurrence with the Oklahoma City Water Utilities Trust in approving the Plans and Specifications to be advertised for bids, Project WM-0426, Hefner Dam Wall Repair, Lake Hefner Parkway and East Wharf Drive, West Lake Hefner Drive and Britton Road. Wards 1 and 8.


Concurrence with the Oklahoma City Water Utilities Trust in approving Request for Proposals to be advertised (RFP OCWUT 32-24), Fall Protection Systems inspections, repair, and services.


1. Concurrence with the Oklahoma City Water Utilities Trust in rejecting the proposals, (RFP OCWUT 13-24), Telemetry, SCADA Equipment and Support Services; and
2. Concurrence with the Oklahoma City Water Utilities Trust in approving Request for Proposals to be advertised (RFP OCWUT 38-24), Telemetry, SCADA Equipment and Support Services.


Concurrence with the Oklahoma City Water Utilities Trust in renewing pricing agreements with Global Energy Solutions, LLC (C219035) and Evans Enterprises, Inc. (C219036), rewinding, repair, and replacement of electric motors and pumps, estimated annual cost of $1,200,000, June 8, 2024 through June 7, 2027.


Concurrence with the Oklahoma City Water Utilities Trust in approving Amendment No. 4 to the Contract for Engineering Services with Freese and Nichols, Inc., Project ST-0149, North Canadian Wastewater Treatment Plant Master Plan and Upgrades, fee increase of $44,000. Ward 7.


Concurrence with the Oklahoma City Water Utilities Trust in approving Amendment No. 1 and Change Order No. 1 with Downey Contracting, LLC, Project WE-0103, Emergency Waterline Replacement, SE 89th Street and I-35 Service Road, increase of $17,239.09; accepting the project and placing the maintenance bond into effect. Ward 4.


Concurrence with the Oklahoma City Water Utilities Trust in approving Amendment No. 1 and Change Order No. 1 with Wynn Construction Company, Inc., Project WM-0389-1, Lake Hefner Ranger Station Site Improvements, 4407 South Lake Hefner Drive, increase of $44,411.59; accepting the project and placing the maintenance bond into effect. Ward 2.


Concurrence with the Oklahoma City Water Utilities Trust in granting a permanent easement to Oklahoma Gas and Electric Company, The City of Oklahoma City’s Police Firing Range and Bomb Disposal Site. Ward 4.


Concurrence with the Oklahoma City Water Utilities Trust in receiving Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality Permit to Construct, Project WL000009230988, Water Main Extension, north of Britton Road and west of Piedmont Road. Ward 1.


1. Concurrence with the Oklahoma City Water Utilities Trust in receiving Plans, Oklahoma Gas and Electric Company, Utility Relocation GM-TAC Substation 8686-D, Tinker Air Force Base; and
2. Concurrence with the Oklahoma City Water Utilities Trust in receiving Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality Permit to Construct, Utility Relocation GM-TAC Substation 8686-D, Tinker Air Force Base.


Concurrence with the Oklahoma City Water Utilities Trust in approving Specifications to be advertised for bids, Project TW-0009-R, Well 27 Rehabilitation-Test Hole, Tinker Air Force Base. Ward 4.


Items Requiring Separate Votes


Ordinance on final hearing (emergency) recommended for approval (five affirmative votes required for approval) (PC-10923) rezoning 1401 NE 44th Street from R-1 Single-Family Residential and HNO Healthy Neighborhood Overlay Districts to R-2 Medium-Low Density Residential and HNO Healthy Neighborhood Overlay Districts. Ward 7.
Deferred from May 7, 2024. 


Ordinance on final hearing (emergency) recommended for approval (five affirmative votes required for approval) (PC-10925) rezoning 9500 West Memorial Road from AA Agricultural District to R-2 Medium-Low Density Residential District. Ward 1.
Deferred from May 7, 2024. 


Ordinance on final hearing (emergency) recommended for approval (five affirmative votes required for approval) (PC-10926) rezoning 4112 North Lindsay Avenue from R-1 Single-Family Residential District to O-2 General Office District. Ward 7.


Ordinance on final hearing (emergency) recommended for approval (five affirmative votes required for approval) (PC-10927) rezoning 1301 NE 30th Street from R-1 Single-Family Residential and HNO Healthy Neighborhood Overlay Districts to R-4 General Residential and HNO Healthy Neighborhood Overlay Districts. Ward 7.


Ordinance on final hearing (emergency) recommended for approval (five affirmative votes required for approval) (PUD-1998) rezoning 8321 West Britton Road from C-3 Community Commercial District to PUD-1998 Planned Unit Development District. Ward 1.


Ordinance on final hearing (emergency) recommended for approval (five affirmative votes required for approval) (PUD-1999) rezoning 3700 North Walker Avenue from R-1 Single-family Residential, C-3 Community Commercial and CUP-26 Community Unit Plan Overlay Districts to PUD-1999 Planned Unit Development District. Ward 2.
Planning Commission recommended approval subject to the Summary of Technical Evaluation.


Ordinance on final hearing (emergency) recommended for approval (five affirmative votes required for approval) (SPUD-1588) rezoning 3208 North Indiana Avenue from SPUD-1462 Simplified Planned Unit Development District to SPUD-1588 Simplified Planned Unit Development District. Ward 2.
Planning Commission recommended approval subject to the Summary of Technical Evaluation.
Deferred from May 7, 2024. 


Ordinance on final hearing (emergency) recommended for approval (five affirmative votes required for approval) (SPUD-1590) rezoning 1144 NW 41st Street from R-1 Single-Family Residential District to SPUD-1590 Simplified Planned Unit Development District. Ward 2.
Planning Commission recommended approval subject to the Summary of Technical Evaluation.
Deferred from May 7, 2024.


Ordinance on final hearing (emergency) recommended for approval (five affirmative votes required for approval) (SPUD-1598) rezoning 929 SW 88th Street from SPUD-1441 Simplified Planned Unit Development District to SPUD-1598 Simplified Planned Unit Development District. Ward 5.
Planning Commission recommended approval subject to the Summary of Technical Evaluation.


Ordinance on final hearing (emergency) recommended for approval (five affirmative votes required for approval) (SPUD-1609) rezoning 1709 NW 14th Street from R-2 Medium-Low Density Residential District to SPUD-1609 Simplified Planned Unit Development District. Ward 6.
Planning Commission recommended approval subject to the Summary of Technical Evaluation.


Ordinance on final hearing (emergency) recommended for approval (five affirmative votes required for approval) (SPUD-1610) rezoning 1140 SW 104th Street from SPUD-298 Simplified Planned Unit Development District to SPUD-1610 Simplified Planned Unit Development District. Ward 5.


Ordinance on final hearing (emergency) recommended for approval (five affirmative votes required for approval) (SPUD-1611) rezoning 8000 South Shields Boulevard from I-1 Light Industrial District to SPUD-1611 Simplified Planned Unit Development District. Ward 4.


Ordinance on final hearing (emergency) recommended for approval (five affirmative votes required for approval) (SPUD-1612) rezoning 3121 NW 20th Street from R-1 Single-Family Residential and Urban Conservation Overlay Districts to SPUD-1612 Simplified Planned Unit Development and Urban Conservation Overlay Districts. Ward 6.


Ordinance on final hearing (emergency) recommended for approval (five affirmative votes required for approval) (SP-588) establishing a Special Permit to operate Use Unit 8250.8 Forced Detention or Correction Facilities in the I-3 Heavy Industrial and AE-2 Airport Environs Zone Two Overlay Districts, 1901 East Grand Boulevard. Ward 4.
Planning Commission recommended approval subject to the Summary of Technical Evaluation.


Ordinance on final hearing, relating to Parks, Recreation, Cultural Affairs, etc., amending Chapter 38 of the Oklahoma City Municipal Code, 2020, amending Article II – Park Commission, by amending Section 38-50 - Functions; amending Article IV - General Park Regulations, Division 1 - Generally, by amending Sections 38-88 - Changing hours of operation, Section 38-94 - Restrictions on selling and advertising, Section 38-103 - Permits and Section 38-104 - Fees.


Resolution approving the Rules, Regulations, and Policies of the Oklahoma City Park Commission.


Ordinance on final hearing, relating to Parks, Recreation, Cultural Affairs, Etc., amending Chapter 38 of the Oklahoma City Municipal Code, 2020, by amending the title of Division 10 - Model Aircraft - Lake Stanley Draper Reservation, Section 38-309 - Restricted areas, Section 38-309.1 - Permits, Section 38-309.2 – Regulations; restrictions, and Section 38-309.3 - Authority of the Utilities Director, Director and Police Chief; and by amending Chapter 60 - General Schedule of Fees, Title 38 – Parks, Recreation, Cultural Affairs, Etc., by amending Section 60-38-45 - Model aircraft permits.


Ordinance on final hearing, relating to Water Resources, amending Chapter 57 of the Oklahoma City Municipal Code, 2020, amending Article VI – Stormwater Management, Division 2 – Application and Permits for Industrial, Commercial, Institutional, and Certain Residential Facilities, by amending Section 57-148 - Permit application fees; and amending Chapter 60 - General Schedule of Fees, amending Title 2 – Administration, Article IV – Officers and Employees, by amending Section 60-2-16 - Permit and inspection fees, Section 60-2-17 - Revocable permit and Section 60-2-23 - Inspection fees for weekends and City holidays; amending Title 13 – Businesses, Article XII – Prequalification and Contractor’s License, by amending Section 60-13-61 - Prequalification fee; enacting a new Section in Title 16 – Drainage and Flood Control, 60-16-3 - Detention pond inspection; amending Title 37 – Oil and Gas, Article VII – Pipelines, by amending Section 60-37-22 - Interchanging of pipelines and Section 60-37-24 - Excavation for laying, removing, installing, or maintaining pipeline; amending Title 50 – Streets and Sidewalks, Article II – Excavations, Curb Cuts, etc., by amending Section 60-50-8 - Paving cut and Section 60-50-9 - Tunneling under street (street bore); amending Article III – Other Provisions Relating to Construction and Repair of Sidewalks, Curbs, and Driveways, by amending Section 60-50-16 - Cut and replace curb, Section 60-50-17 - Curb cut and driveway, Section 60-50-18 - Curb cut for drainage or connection to gutter, Section 60-50-20 - Alley opening/closing and Section 60-50-21 - Sidewalk construction; amending Article X – Bus stop benches and shelters, by amending Section 60-50-66 - Bus stop bench; amending Title 57 – Water Resources, Article V – Stormwater Drainage Program, by reserving Sections 60-57-21 through 60-57-25; enacting a new Article VI - Stormwater Management, enacting Section 60-57-26 - Permit application fees and reserving Sections 60-57-27 through 60-57-30; and providing for an effective date.


Ordinance on final hearing, relating to General Schedule of Fees, amending Chapter 60 of the Oklahoma City Municipal Code, 2020, amending Title 8 – Animals, Article I – In General, by amending Sections 60-8-1 - Animal registration fee, 60-8-2 – Livestock and fowl – Shelter and field services fees and 60-8-3 – Impoundment fees and deposits; amending Article II – Domestic Animals, by amending Section 60-8-11 – Dog and cat kennel license fee; amending Article III – Rabbits, by amending Section 60-8-16 - Rabbit permits; amending Article VIII – Non-Human Primates, by amending Section 60-8-41, Non-human primates; and providing for an effective date.


Ordinance on final hearing, relating to General Schedule of Fees, amending Chapter 60 of the Oklahoma City Municipal Code, 2020, amending Title 12 - Building and Building Regulations, Article II – Building Code, by amending Sections 60-12-6 - Building plan review, 60-12-7 - Alterations, removal, repair, 60-12-8 – Demolition fee, 60-12-9 - New construction, 60-12-10 - Miscellaneous fees, 60-12-11 - Elevators and 60-12-12 - House Moving; amending Article IV - Fallout or Tornado Shelters, by amending Section 60-12-24 – Fallout or tornado shelters; and amending Article VI – Insulation Contractors, by amending Section 60-12-35 - Insulation contractor; and providing for an effective date.


Ordinance on final hearing, relating to the General Schedule of Fees, amending Chapter 60, of the Oklahoma City Municipal Code, 2020, amending Title 18 – Electrical Code, Article II – Licensing, by amending Section 60-18-6 – Examination and certification; amending Article III – Enforcement, by amending Section 60-18-12 – Minor electrical wiring, 60-18-14 – Residential new construction/single-family or multifamily dwelling unit, 60-18-16 – Residential add-on, cutover, 60-18-18 – Mobile home, 60-18-20 – Commercial/new construction, 60-18-24 – Commercial add-on, remodel, service change (cutover), etc., and 60-18-26 – Miscellaneous electrical fees; amending Title 29 – Mechanical Systems, Article IV – Administration and Enforcement, by amending Sections 60-29-16 – Forced air heating and refrigeration systems, permit and inspection fees, 60-29-20 – Gasfitting, replacement of residential appliance or fixture, 60-29-22 – Gasfitting, commercial appliances or fixtures and 60-29-24 – Gasfitting services; amending Article V – Mechanical Contractors, Journeyman and Apprentices, by amending Section 60-29-31 – Certificate of registration; amending Article VI – Boiler Contractors, by amending Section 60-29-35 – Contractors license; amending Title 42 – Plumbing Code, Article II – Administration and Enforcement, by amending Sections 60-42-6 – Residential new construction (one- and two-family dwellings and condominiums), 60-42-7 – Residential, addition or replacement (one- and two-family dwellings and condominiums), 60-42-9 – Commercial new construction, addition, or replacement (all structures except one- and two-family dwellings and condominiums) and 60-42-10 – Special plumbing fees; amending Article III – Apprentices, Journeymen and Contractors, by amending Section 60-42-16 – Plumbers’ registration fees; and providing for an effective date.


Ordinance on final hearing, relating to General Schedule of Fees, amending Chapter 60 of the Oklahoma City Municipal Code, 2020, amending Title 35 – Nuisances, Article III – Weeds and Noxious Plants, by amending Section 60-35-11 – Abatement of weeds and noxious plants by City; amending Article IV - Trash, by amending Section 60-35-16 – Abatement of trash by City; amending Article V – Boarding and Securing of Unsecured Structures, by amending Sections 60-35-17 – Boarding and securing of unsecured structures and 60-35-18 – Demolition of dilapidated structures; amending Article VI – Abandoned Buildings, by enacting Section 60-35-21 – Abandoned building release administrative fee and enacting Section 60-35-22 – Abandoned building monitoring fee; and providing for an effective date.


Ordinance on final hearing, relating to General Schedule of Fees, amending Chapter 60 of the Oklahoma City Municipal Code, 2020, amending Title 3 – Advertising and Signs, Article I – In General, by amending Section 60-3-1 – Advertising licenses; amending Title 7 – Amusements, Article I – In General, by amending Section 60-7-1 – Miscellaneous amusement licenses; amending Article II – Youth Dance Halls, by amending Section 60-7-6 – Youth dance hall license; amending Article III – Pool and Billiard Halls, by amending Section 60-7-11 – Pool and billiard hall licenses; amending Article 5 – Amusement Rides, by amending Section 60-7-21 – Amusement rides; amending Title 9 – Auctions and Auctioneers, by enacting Article II – Auction Sale, by enacting Section 60-9-6 – Daily auction sale license; amending Title 10 – Aviation, Article III – Private Airports, by amending Section 60-10-17 – Airport, heliport, and helistop; amending Title 13 – Businesses, Article II – Charitable Solicitations, by amending Section 60-13-6 – Charitable solicitations; amending Article III – Dry Cleaners, amending Section 60-13-10 – Dry cleaners; amending Article IV – Employment Agencies, by amending Section 60-13-14 – Employment agency; amending Article VI – Motels and Tourist Camps or Courts, by amending Section 60-13-22 – Motel, tourist court/tourist camp; amending Article XI – Coin-Operated Devices, by amending Section 60-13-51 – Coin-operated devices; amending Article XIII – Home Sharing, by amending Section 60-13-73 – Home sharing; amending Title 14 – Child-Care Centers, Nurseries, Etc., Article II – License, by amending Sections 60-14-6 – Nursery license and 60-14-11 – Day camp license; amending Title 19 – Fences, Article II – Permit, by amending Section 60-19-6 – Fence permits; amending Article III – Fence Contractors, by amending Section 60-19-11 – Fence contractor; amending Title 21 – Food and Beverages, Article II – Food Establishment License, by amending Section 60-21-6 – Food establishment license and 60-21-7 – Bottling works, license; amending Article III – Food Handling Establishments Generally, by amending Section 60-21-26 – Special events; amending Article IV – Meat, Poultry, Etc., by amending Sections 60-21-30 – Fish, meat, poultry, rabbits (wild) dealers and 60-21-31 – Slaughterhouse, operation, license; amending Article VI – Frozen Desserts, by amending Section 60-21-47 – Frozen dessert plant license; by amending Article VII – Restaurants, by amending Section 60-21-51 – Restaurant, license; amending Article VIII – Food Sales from Vehicles, by amending Sections 60-21-56 – Food sale, vehicle and 60-21-57 – Vehicle food sales court; amending Title 22 – Garage Sales, Yard Sales, Etc., Article II – Permit, by amending Section 60-22-6 – Residential sales; amending Title 28 – Massage, Article II – Licenses, by amending Section 60-28-6 – Massage establishment; amending Title 31 – Mobile Homes, Mobile Home Parks, Trailers and Trailer Camps, Article III – Trailer or Mobile Home Parks, by amending Section 60-31-11 – Mobile home or trailer park; amending Title 32 – Motor Vehicles and Traffic, Article XII – Loading Zones, by amending Section 60-32-41 – Parking of passenger vehicle used for commercial purposes in commercial loading zone; amending Title 37 – Oil and Gas, Article II – Administration, Enforcement, and Penalties, by amending Section 60-37-6 – Well permit; amending Title 39 – Peddlers, Outdoor Sellers, Etc., by amending Section 60-39-1 – Peddler’s licenses and permits; amending Title 47 – Sewers and Sewage Disposal, Article XII – Pretreatment Facility Service and Wastewater Transporting and Disposal, by amending Section 60-47-61 – vehicle and equipment inspection and registration fee; amending Title 49 – Solid Wastes, Article IV – Landfills, by amending Section 60-49-17 – Sanitary landfill operation; amending Title 54 – Used or Secondhand Goods Dealers, Junk Dealers, Junkyards, Etc., Article II – Auto Salvage or Used Car or Trailer Dealers, by amending Sections 60-54-6 – Dealers in used trailers and automobiles and 60-54-7 – Dealers in auto salvage; enacting Article IV – Junk Dealers, Recyclers and Secondhand Dealers, by enacting Sections 60-54-16 – Junk dealer’s license and 60-54-17 – Used merchandise dealer; amending Article V – Pawnbrokers, by amending Section 60-54-22 – Pawnbrokers; amending Article VI – Dealers in Used Precious Metals or Gems, by amending Section 60-54-26 – Dealers in used precious metals or gems; amending Title 57 – Water Resources, Article III – Water Well Drilling, by amending Section 60-57-13 – Well driller’s license; and providing for an effective date.


Ordinance on final hearing, relating to the General Schedule of Fees, amending Chapter 60 of the Oklahoma City Municipal Code, 2020, amending Title – 33 – Municipal Court, Article III – Court Procedure, by amending Section 60-33-11 - Court costs; amending Article IV – Court Operations Division, by enacting Section 60-33-16 - Fees for Oklahoma City Municipal Courthouse Attorney proximity card; and amending Article VI – Return of Property Hearings, by repealing Section 60-33-26 - Notice and publication fees; and providing for an effective date.


Ordinance on final hearing, relating to General Schedule of Fees, amending Chapter 60, of the Oklahoma City Municipal Code, 2020, amending Title 59 - Zoning, Article VII - Administration by enacting new Sections, 60-59-16 to add a fee for a Comprehensive Plan Amendment and 60-59-28 to add a fee for Annexation/Deannexation Applications/Petitions; and providing for an effective date.


1. Amendment correcting an error on the fee schedule for cutting and welding in Section 60-20-12 – Operational permit by material/unit and correcting an error on the square feet in Section 60-20-14 – High risk by size – Inspection fees; and
2. Ordinance on final hearing, relating to General Schedule of Fees, repealing Article II – Fire Prevention Code, Title 20 – Fire Prevention and Protection, Sections 60-20-11 through 60-20-44 of Chapter 60, of the Oklahoma City Municipal Code, 2020, in its entirety; enacting a new Article II – Fire Prevention Code, Title 20 – Fire Prevention and Protection, of Chapter 60, Sections 60-20-11 through 60-20-41, establishing certain fees required in the Fire Prevention Code of the General Schedule of Fees; and providing for an effective date.


Ordinance on final hearing, relating to the General Schedule of Fees, amending Chapter 60, of the Oklahoma City Municipal Code, 2020, amending Title 43 – Police Department, Article III – Security and Fire Alarm Systems, by amending Section 60-43-13, False alarm, administrative fees; and providing for an effective date.


Ordinance No. 27,610 on final hearing, amending the Oklahoma City Hotel Tax ordinance, relating to Taxation, codified as Article III – Hotel Tax of Chapter 52 of the Oklahoma City Municipal Code, 2020; enacting new Sections 52-63.2 and 52-81.2 of said Article III, Chapter 52, to levy an additional excise tax of three and three-fourths percent (3.75%) upon the gross proceeds or gross receipts from all rent for every occupancy of a hotel room or rooms in this city (the Hotel Tax) and to specify that said additional hotel tax levied shall be set aside and used exclusively for the purpose of encouraging, promoting and/or fostering the convention and/or tourism (visitor) development of the city, by the following expenditures: 75.0% of the tax revenues shall be expended for any projects, items, costs and/or expenses that encourage, promote and/or foster the convention and/or tourism (visitor) development of the city, and 13.3% of the tax revenues shall be expended for the sponsorship and/or promotion of events recommended by the Oklahoma City Convention and Visitors Commission and anticipated to enhance the local economy through increased convention and/or tourism (visitor) activity in the city, and 6.7% of the tax revenues shall be expended for improvements to the Oklahoma City Fairgrounds, not including operational costs, and 5% of the tax revenues shall be expended for improvements to the Oklahoma City Convention Center, not including operational costs; setting forth a proviso to allow certain expenditures to defray any or all reasonable and necessary expenses and costs of the city or its agent(s) or contractor(s) in collecting, enforcing, and/or administering the additional tax and expenditures; providing for codification; providing an effective date for Sections 1 and 2 of this ordinance which effective date shall be 12:00 a.m. on October 1, 2024; and providing that this ordinance is operative only if approved by city voters prior to said time.


Resolution authorizing the Mayor to issue a Special Election Proclamation calling a special election to be held on August 27, 2024, to submit Ordinance No. 27,610 to the registered voters of The City of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, for their approval or disapproval; and further providing for certain legally required actions to be taken by the City Clerk and the appropriate county election boards, all as may be required by the election laws of the State of Oklahoma.


1. Public hearing regarding dilapidated structures:
    a. 4407 Diana Avenue (house) Ward 7
    b. 4409 Diana Avenue (house) Ward 7
    c. 6600 South Shields Boulevard (north mobile home) Ward 4
    d. 415 NW 8th Street (apartment building b) Ward 6
    e. 332 SE 17th Street (debris from demolition) Ward 4
    f. 217 SE 19th Street (house) Ward 4
    g. 3518 SW 40th Street (east shed and north shed and west shed) Ward 6
    h. 1512 NE 46th Street (house and shed) Ward 7
2. Resolution declaring structures are dilapidated: directing said structures to be torn down, establishing dates of May 22, 2024 and June 21, 2024 for commencement and completion of removal by owners.


1. Public hearing regarding dilapidated structure in the Historic Preservation-Landmark District:
    a. 2522 North Shartel Avenue aka 2510 North Shartel Avenue (church)
        Ward 2
2. Resolution declaring structures are dilapidated: directing said structures to be torn down, establishing dates of May 22, 2024 and June 21, 2024 for commencement and completion of removal by owners.


1. Public hearing regarding unsecured structures:
    a. 908 Bradley Avenue aka 908 North Bradley (house) Ward 3
    b. 2900 Browne Stone Road (house and pool) Ward 8
    c. 2408 Cashion Place (detached garage) Ward 2
    d. 740 Manchester Lane (detached garage and house and shed) Ward 3
    e. 17901 North Pennsylvania Avenue aka 17905 North Pennsylvania
        Avenue (commercial building) Ward 8
    f. 6017 West Reno Avenue aka 6021 West Reno Avenue (commercial
        building) Ward 3
    g. 19009 Vea Drive (house) Ward 8
    h. 4901 South Walker Avenue (house and shed) Ward 4
    i. 415 NW 8th Street (apartment building a and apartment building c and
        apartment building d and utility building) Ward 6
    j. 6001 NW 8th Street (house and shed) Ward 3
    k. 1316 NW 9th Street aka 1316 1/2 NW 9th Street aka 1316 R NW 9th
        Street (duplex and garage apartment) Ward 6
    l. 332 SE 17th Street (house) Ward 4
    m. 4033 SW 27th Street (house and shed) Ward 3
    n. 3217 NW 33rd Street (detached garage and house) Ward 2
    o. 2500 SW 35th Street (house and shed) Ward 6
    p. 12617 NE 36th Street (commercial building) Ward 7
    q. 2712 NW 40th Street (detached garage and house) Ward 2
    r. 2815 NW 41st Street (house and north shed and south shed) Ward 2
    s. 2640 SW 43rd Street (detached garage and house) Ward 6
    t. 340 SE 45th Street (house) Ward 4
    u. 1512 NE 46th Street (house and shed) Ward 7
    v. 2736 SW 65th Street (house) Ward 5
    w. 3105 SW 68th Street (house) Ward 5
    x. 315 NW 89th Street (house) Ward 2
    y. 1309 NW 104th Street (house) Ward 7
2. Resolution declaring structures are unsecured.


1. Public hearing regarding abandoned buildings:
    a. 908 North Bradley Avenue aka 908 North Bradley (house) Ward 3
    b. 2900 Browne Stone Road (house) Ward 8
    c. 4407 Diana Avenue (house) Ward 7
    d. 4409 Diana Avenue (house) Ward 7
    e. 17901 North Pennsylvania Avenue aka 17905 North Pennsylvania
        Avenue (commercial building) Ward 8
    f. 6600 South Shields Boulevard (north mobile home) Ward 4
    g. 19009 Vea Drive (house) Ward 8
    h. 1316 NW 9th Street aka 1316 1/2 NW 9th Street aka 1316 R
        NW 9th Street (duplex and garage apartment) Ward 6
    i. 332 SE 17th Street (house) Ward 4
    j. 217 SE 19th Street (house) Ward 4
    k. 4033 SW 27th Street (house) Ward 3
    l. 3217 NW 33rd Street (detached garage and house) Ward 2
    m. 2500 SW 35th Street (house) Ward 6
    n. 12617 NE 36th Street (commercial building) Ward 7
    o. 2712 NW 40th Street (detached garage and house) Ward 2
    p. 2815 NW 41st Street (house) Ward 2
    q. 2640 SW 43rd Street (detached garage and house) Ward 6
    r. 340 SE 45th Street (house) Ward 4
    s. 1512 NE 46th Street (house) Ward 7
    t. 2736 SW 65th Street (house) Ward 5
    u. 3105 SW 68th Street (house) Ward 5
    v. 315 NW 89th Street (house) Ward 2
2. Resolution declaring buildings are abandoned.


Resolution adopting an update to bikewalkokc, comprehensive bicycle and pedestrian master plan.
Deferred from April 23 and May 7, 2024.
Request deferral to June 4, 2024.


Joint Resolution with the Oklahoma City Water Utilities Trust authorizing the Municipal Counselor, or his or her designee, upon determining that it is reasonable and in the best interest of The City of Oklahoma City and/or the Oklahoma City Water Utilities Trust, to have settlement authority on claims of The City of Oklahoma City and/or the Oklahoma City Water Utilities Trust which do not exceed $40,000 for the collection of claims owed to The City of Oklahoma City and/or the Oklahoma City Water Utilities Trust and the authority to institute legal proceedings on said claims on behalf of The City of Oklahoma City and/or the Oklahoma City Water Utilities Trust; and rescinding the previously delegated authority to settle claims and/or cases brought against The City of Oklahoma City and/or the Oklahoma City Water Utilities Trust that do not exceed $40,000.


Resolution authorizing the Municipal Counselor to confess Judgment without admitting liability in the case of Big Top Entertainment, LLC, d/b/a Dollhouse Lounge, Misty Kokojan, Individually, and as Owner of Big Top Entertainment, LLC d/b/a Dollhouse Lounge, Jerry E. Johnson, Annah Ledesma, Karly Neumann, Margaret Shuart, Abigial Whisman, Lauren Farris, and Luis Vargas v. The City of Oklahoma City, in the Oklahoma County District Court Case No. CJ-2023-656; AND/OR


Enter into executive session on advice of the Municipal Counselor to receive confidential communications from its attorney regarding settlement of this case as authorized by 25 O.S. (2023 Supp.) § 307(B)(4), because disclosure would seriously impair the ability of the public body to conduct the litigation with settlement discussions in the public interest.


Enter into executive Session on advice of the Municipal Counselor to receive confidential communications from its attorney concerning the case styled Sherri Adams and Kingsley Barry Adams, Sr., individually, and as husband and wife, v. The City of Oklahoma City, an Oklahoma Municipal Corporation; and the Oklahoma City Water Utilities Trust, in the Oklahoma County District Court Case No. CJ-2021-1139, as authorized by 25 O.S. §307(B)(4), because disclosure would seriously impair the ability of the public body to conduct the litigation with settlement discussions in the public interest.


Enter into executive session to discuss collective bargaining negotiations for fiscal year 2024-2025 with the International Association of Firefighters, Local 157; and the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees, Local 2406, as authorized by 25 O.S. (2023 Supp.) §307(B)(2).


1. Claims recommended for denial:
    a. Dwight Cornish $238 (Ward 3)
    b. Owen Modeland $570 (Ward 8)
    c. Susan Parker $1,050 (Ward 2)
    d. Joshua Wooten $4,588.47 (Ward 6)
2. Enter into executive session on advice of the Municipal Counselor to receive confidential communications from its attorney concerning the above claims as authorized by 25 O.S. (2023 Supp.) §307 (B)(4), because disclosure would seriously impair the ability of the public body to deal with the pending claims in the public interest.


1. Claims recommended for approval
    a. Joseph Bartee $220 (Ward 3)
    b. Shane Maldonado $233.54 (Ward 3)
    c. Tyrone Sampson $255 (Ward 2)
    d. Gary Wall $146.29 (Ward 3)
2. Enter into executive session on advice of the Municipal Counselor to receive confidential communications from its attorney concerning the above claims as authorized by 25 O.S. (2023 Supp.) §307 (B)(4), because disclosure would seriously impair the ability of the public body to deal with the pending claims in the public interest.


Comments from Council


Citizens to be Heard

