

December 16, 2024
10:00 AM
Mayor David Holt, Chairman
Butch Freeman, Vice Chairman
Scott Randall, Oklahoma City Public Schools
Craig Woodruff, Metropolitan Library
Dr. Patrick McGough, Oklahoma City/County Health
Aaron Collins, Metro Technology Center
Rusty LaForge, Planning Commission
Remy Luong, At-Large Member
Thuan Nguyen, At-Large Member
Candace Baitz, At-Large Member

431 W Main Street, Embark Large Conference Room
The Committee meets on an ad hoc basis. To confirm meeting dates, call (405) 297-2506.  It is the policy of the City to ensure that communications with participants and members of the public with disabilities are as effective as communications with others. Anyone with a disability who requires an accommodation, a modification of policies or procedures, or an auxiliary aid or server in order to participate in this meeting should contact the ADA department coordinator at (405)297-2506 as soon as possible but not later than 12 hours (not including weekends or holidays) before the scheduled meeting. The department will give primary consideration to the choice of auxiliary aid or service requested by the individual with disability. If you need an alternate format of the agenda or any information provided at said meeting, please contact the ADA department coordinator listed above 12 hours prior to the scheduled meeting.

Addressing the Committee
Citizens may address the Committee on certain items by signing up to speak and providing the agenda item number, their reason for appearing and their address, but all comments must be relevant to the item. The Chair or presiding officer may in her or his discretion prohibit a person from addressing the Committee, or have any person removed from the meeting, if that person commits any disorderly or disruptive behavior. Disorderly conduct includes, but is not limited to, any of the following: speaking without being recognized by the Chair or presiding officer; continuing to speak after notice that the speaker’s allotted time has expired; presenting comments or material not relevant to the item under discussion; failing to comply with the lawful instructions of the Chair or presiding officer; engaging in other conduct, activity or speech that disturbs, interferes with or disrupts Committee business.  Pursuant to 21 O.S. §280, conduct which disturbs, interferes with or disrupts Committee business includes any conduct that is “violent, threatening, abusive, obscene or jeopardizes the safety of self or others”.  A person may also be subject to arrest and removal from the meeting for violation of Oklahoma City Municipal Code 2020, § 30-81 – Disorderly conduct and/or violation of Okla. Stat. tit. 21, §280- Willfully Disturbing, Interfering With or Disrupting State Business, Agency Operations or Employees.

Citizens may also address the Committee on individual concerns at the end of the agenda when the Chair asks if there are any comments by citizens. Comments should concern Committee matters only. Please fill out a “Request to be Heard” form located outside the meeting room. Please return this form to the staff member.  If you know in advance that you wish to address the Committee, you may call (405)297-2506 and provide your name and subject about which you wish to speak.

Committee Actions
Official action can be taken only on items that appear on the agenda. The Committee may dispose of business on the agenda by adopting, approving, amending, correcting, ratifying, denying, deferring or continuing resolutions, plans and specifications, addenda, amendments and contracts. Other actions may also be taken.

When more information is needed to act on an item, the Committee may refer items to the General Manager or the Municipal Counselor. The Committee may also refer items to committees, to a board or commission, or to independent consultants for additional study. Under certain circumstances, items are deferred to a specific later date or stricken from the agenda entirely


December 16, 2024
10:00 AM
431 W Main Street, Embark Large Conference Room

Call to Order
Approval of Minutes of the Classen Corridor Revitalization TIF Review Committee - August 20, 2024
Items for Individual Consideration
Resolution of the Classen Corridor Revitalization TIF  Review Committee (“Review Committee”) recommending approval of an Allocation not to exceed $1,605,129 from the Assistance In Development Financing Budget Category in support of the Palomar Parking Garage Project located at 414 NW 11th Street in Downtown Oklahoma City, which Project consists of the construction of a 309 space parking garage, of which 130 spaces will be dedicated to Palomar’s Family Justice Center, a MAPS 4 Project.
Resolution of the Classen Corridor Revitalization TIF Review Committee (“Review Committee”) recommending approval of an Allocation not to exceed $3,000,000 from the Assistance In Development Financing Budget Category of TIF B, in support of the redevelopment of the Gold Dome into a concert/entertainment venue, located at Northwest 23rd and Classen, with the Developer making a minimum private  capital investment of no less than $7,000,000, and with all actions contingent upon approval of an allocation of GOLT Bond Funds to be used as the immediate funding source for the low-interest loan, with all repayments of the loan to repay the GOLT Bond Funds.
Comments from Committee Members, Staff and Citizens